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Gallery » bullbabi60
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Alex, Sarah and I at a hockey game!
44 Photos

Callie, u look so pretty here!! I love ur hair straight.

4/21/2004 7:43:18 PM

2 Photos

me too

we should totally do it

4/21/2004 10:56:35 PM

44 Photos

nah i have a really good guy friend on this site who loves this girl more than life itself .... hope she realizes this...

4/22/2004 1:18:18 AM

2 Photos

no WEEEEE should totally do it

4/22/2004 1:30:25 AM

278 Photos

She does....but what can ya do?! --and i LoVe this girl more than life--

4/22/2004 6:31:58 AM

43 Photos

that boy probably should've realized that he "loved me more than life" before he slept with 4 other girls while we were dating ...[i don't mean that to be rude to you tamara! i luv you! lol oh and thanks for the compliment!] And I LOVE my Jamers too!!

[Edited by bullbabi60 on 4/22/2004 7:15:38 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

4/23/2004 12:15:00 AM

43 Photos

nathan... hmmm... point taken... ;)

4/23/2004 2:04:25 AM

0 Photos

looking very nice ladies

9/25/2004 4:38:56 PM

94 Photos

Tamara where these the girls you were with when you called me at 3:00am to go to a party after you left Ybor? If so...

9/25/2004 4:53:53 PM

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