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Gallery » bullbabi60
CaL &* JeSs 
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me and jess in clearwater a while ago
2 Photos

"their" ... sigh ...

4/19/2004 4:58:52 AM

43 Photos

once again, can't help it if I'm a little young...

4/19/2004 8:30:37 PM

226 Photos

yes you can

4/19/2004 8:31:39 PM

2 Photos

Besides ... girls like older men ... right?

That's why i hang out around preschools

4/19/2004 9:40:03 PM

1 Photos

Get off my turf Nathan...preschools are mine...nice pic my the way...17 works for me

4/19/2004 10:01:07 PM

38 Photos

Preschools? You two need to come hang out with me for a day....I'll take you to a magical place called....."The maternity ward".... *sigh* okay, in an attempt to joke around, things have just gotten plain sick....

4/20/2004 4:10:06 PM

50 Photos

Hot Damn! I love younger girls. Why? Cuz their a sure thing.

4/22/2004 6:07:22 PM

43 Photos

haha.. what the hell is THAT supposed to mean?!

4/23/2004 12:16:36 AM

2 Photos

is it bad that i laughed at usfguapo's comment?

4/23/2004 12:26:26 AM

43 Photos

Yep.. I'll be 18 on July 7

4/23/2004 1:52:13 AM

0 Photos

you girls look great. FSU is gonna be a lot of fun for you, but you shoulda stayed around here!!

4/23/2004 1:55:23 AM

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