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Gallery » GingerRogers
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81 Photos

My neck hurts.

3/29/2004 10:50:34 PM

220 Photos


i find it more interesting sideways....

kinda dreamy

and some essential way... very beautiful

3/29/2004 11:31:58 PM

81 Photos

Nothing wrong with it. Beautiful and all...looked at it to long.

3/29/2004 11:48:47 PM

220 Photos

haha me too

made me smile

3/30/2004 12:06:49 AM

295 Photos

uhhm very interesting pic, i like..

3/30/2004 12:11:27 AM

7 Photos

wow, its sideways

4/12/2004 5:17:33 AM

144 Photos

Marry Me.

4/12/2004 5:52:16 AM

27 Photos

Sure, I'm just chillin' for a while after graduation. LOL.
But only if we can serve kittens in hamburger buns and take all pictures sideways.
I'm going to need a lot of Grey Goose, just a head's up...

[Edited by GingerRogers on 4/18/2004 4:03:19 AM. Reason for edit: :hypnotized: ]

4/18/2004 9:01:11 AM

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