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Galleries » GingerRogers [Profile]

Well, doesn't make sense right side up either.
Views: 448

Views: 720
Comments: 7
Last: 4/3/2004

Remember the 80s flick with Bowie?
Views: 753
Comments: 10
Last: 4/18/2004

Views: 536

Oh Paris!
Views: 664
Comments: 2
Last: 3/28/2004

I've moved beyond the cooler these days.
Views: 703

Never would have guessed what would happen next...
Views: 692

I'm always drunk when I hang out with these guys..
Views: 657
Comments: 2
Last: 4/12/2004

Not pot, swear.
Views: 728
Comments: 1
Last: 7/17/2008

Views: 645
Comments: 8
Last: 4/18/2004

The bottles may explain better than I can.
Views: 761
Comments: 8
Last: 4/12/2004

West Palm!
Views: 590

Princess for a day.
Views: 678
Comments: 3
Last: 4/12/2004

Views: 618
Comments: 1
Last: 4/18/2004

Bob and me
Views: 638
Comments: 1
Last: 4/16/2004

Taylor and me
Views: 661

Taylor and Bob
Views: 597

Eiffel Tower
Views: 593

Views: 570

Ah freshman year, epsilon.
Views: 777
Comments: 6
Last: 4/18/2004

Drunken days turn into drunken nights.
Views: 656
Comments: 3
Last: 4/12/2004

Hmm, I think this makes ME the official pimp.
Views: 646

Crocodile hole in France
Views: 585

Hit the target?
Views: 586

Views: 766
Comments: 18
Last: 4/21/2004

Views: 888
Comments: 13
Last: 7/18/2008

Views: 546

Galleries » GingerRogers [Profile]

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