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9 Photos

gangbangers beware!

2/6/2004 1:48:27 AM

37 Photos

hahaha holy shit ...

2/6/2004 1:56:03 AM

37 Photos

how long u think he gonna be put away for ? 2 counts is serious shit

2/6/2004 1:58:10 AM

4 Photos

Yeah, this is mind boggling. The shit's really hitting the fan now... what a fuckup.

[Edited by Schaboinken on 2/5/2004 9:09:01 PM. Reason for edit: an effort to defend young girls everywhere.]

2/6/2004 2:08:18 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

I hope he gets ass raped by huge men. Touching children is sick as hell.

2/6/2004 2:09:20 AM

4 Photos

Technically (and hopefully), he might have touched a woman this time, not a girl.

But.. check this one out, this is his first arrest.

Does anyone ever know what came of his first charges? I'd like to believe he was proven innocent.. but what the fuck was with that GPS anklet he wore through senior year?

[Edited by Schaboinken on 2/5/2004 9:14:51 PM. Reason for edit: mark is the king of dance]

2/6/2004 2:11:52 AM

4 Photos

There's gradients of shittiness. As morbid as it is to say, we'd all rather he was raping women than children.

2/6/2004 2:30:55 AM

4 Photos

Damned off-topic bullshit. Nevermind any of that.

quote :

Does anyone ever know what came of his first charges? I'd like to believe he was proven innocent.. but what the fuck was with that GPS anklet he wore through senior year?

2/6/2004 2:46:38 AM

374 Photos

I know he was guilty. He basically told me he was, besides that, I could tell her had a thing for kids, anyways.

2/6/2004 3:15:11 AM

374 Photos

I know he did. Jon's a gullible ass.

2/6/2004 3:23:02 AM

1 Photos

How can such a pussy become a sexual predator?

2/6/2004 3:24:32 AM

15 Photos

Holy shit dude I was kinda nice to Mark cause he was a nerd so i could use him for homework... but I guess in his mind.. play is play...

2/6/2004 4:06:33 AM

374 Photos

Mark's not a pussy at all. You're the pussy, Christian.

2/6/2004 4:11:17 AM

48 Photos

Look at his arrest location, it was on 52nd St. He lives in Lutz...He may have tried to make a run for it, or they pounced him around campus.

2/6/2004 6:49:50 AM

48 Photos

I just noticed the # of views, only a fraction of the people on this community went to Tech. So I can only imagine how many links of this thread were sent out this evening. It will be an interesting day at the old high school tommorow. The word is fucking out!

2/6/2004 6:53:39 AM

4 Photos

Oh, shit, this pic has been up for 5 hours and its already a major contender on the most popular photos page. Mark is quite the charmer, it seems.

2/6/2004 7:00:37 AM

48 Photos

Yeah I bet he's charming a rather large in-mate right now. It is a good reason thay are seperating him..he is some fresh anus as far as they are concerned.

2/6/2004 7:06:26 AM

57 Photos

It doesnt say how long hes in for

Damn I remember when he got arrested in school

2/6/2004 7:11:38 AM

4 Photos

WTF Mark's picture got another 2000 views in the past hour.

2/6/2004 8:14:14 AM

4 Photos

thats another 800 since my last post..

2/6/2004 8:27:20 AM

44 Photos

well, he's just that pretty. The arrest was on 56th, so maybe it was on campus. Also, no bond? and they charged it as a violation of probation? that means he did it after the first time, this isn't jsut the same family pulling shit.


2/6/2004 9:35:27 AM

44 Photos

oh, and my favorite part was when in his speech, in his FUCKING SPEECH FOR GOD SAKES! he mentioned his "legal troubles"... like he got caught smoking pot or something. noooo remorse for that asshole.

I think it all came out the first time what he did, but the judge just layed down some law, and let him go. Now that they got him agian, they are fucking him up

2/6/2004 9:43:23 AM

11 Photos

i found so many of my managers from publix on that website. apparently it's part of their job description for managers to beat their wives.

2/6/2004 5:09:50 PM

33 Photos

That'd be a hell of a lot of refreshing!

2/6/2004 5:39:30 PM

44 Photos

yeah, that site can be fun. I went through my high school yearbook, typed in some random people, and caught up with some old friends. Even some on this site! Disorderly conduct? you know who you are

2/6/2004 5:57:37 PM

4 Photos

I'm amused by the fact that I've seen 3 mugshots on usfbs so far and all of them were TBT grads.

2/6/2004 10:20:15 PM

48 Photos

what year did you guyus graduate from tbt...i was there freshman and sophmore year engineering side--if i graduated in 2000 my tbt math skills tell me i was there 97-98

2/7/2004 1:46:04 AM

89 Photos

well your math skills suck. unless u graduated early. then my bad.

2/7/2004 2:12:04 AM

4 Photos

And Frost and Hagenmeier.

2/7/2004 6:51:32 PM

48 Photos

good ol mr. hagenmeir...he used to call me spike...that lifelike version fo big gay al...and yes i had rossi as well as mr. oaks...i had them in their beginnings...and if i was a freshman in 97, soph in 98...that means jr in 99 and graduated in do my math skills suck?

2/14/2004 8:12:15 AM

23 Photos

Oh man mark... long time and still no changes... lol jk just sayin wuzzup

2/25/2004 7:04:34 PM

4 Photos

Cory Wright, Cory Wright, never wrong.

I'll always remember you for that ridiculous signature you put in my middle school yearbook.

2/25/2004 10:21:37 PM

57 Photos

[Edited by AfroWanksta on 4/21/2004 1:57:25 AM. Reason for edit: supressed by whitey]

2/25/2004 10:51:15 PM

90 Photos

Is there any kind of search for Pinellas County or Polk County? I could have some fun with this hehe...

2/29/2004 6:37:12 AM

32 Photos

melissa.. for polk county it's

[Edited by dxtom22 on 2/29/2004 5:00:00 AM. Reason for edit: i'm stupid and can't type correctly]

[Edited by dxtom22 on 2/29/2004 5:05:40 AM. Reason for edit: .]

[Edited by dxtom22 on 2/29/2004 5:14:27 AM. Reason for edit: site's confusing]

2/29/2004 9:58:47 AM

90 Photos

Yeah I found a Polk County one but I can't find a free Pinellas County search for the life of me. Dammit!!

2/29/2004 4:41:55 PM

1 Photos

Well, that's kind of different. I had Phystics 2 lab with this guy and I think we worked together once...we talked a few times right before lab class.....

Kind of strange to find out about him this way, heh.

3/4/2004 10:25:31 AM

Jordan Y.
0 Photos

Holy fucking shit. This douche was always the high-and-mighty overly-religious type back in 8th grade at THCS- I laughed my ass off when I got the sexual offender alert email from the USF police bulletin list, and again when I saw him at a few honors college events, but it just keeps going on. LOL, hypocritical bastard.

3/18/2004 7:55:01 AM

41 Photos

WOW,what a sick bastard. He isn't back out there is he?

3/19/2004 7:12:00 PM

41 Photos

Nvm, read the report again. He's released, but i hope he gets a lot of jail time.

3/19/2004 7:14:33 PM

38 Photos

that's so weird, he has my same birthday........

3/21/2004 6:09:47 PM

38 Photos

hahaha, thats gross

3/21/2004 7:17:43 PM

6 Photos

nm, too horrible.

[Edited by JadenGuy on 4/23/2004 2:36:37 PM. Reason for edit: nm, too horrible.]

4/23/2004 7:20:06 PM

45 Photos

why is this the most popular photo on this site

4/28/2004 4:55:29 PM

7 Photos

fuck if i know

5/1/2004 6:59:05 PM

1 Photos

This guy sucks at life
... but I really don't get why this is the most popular photo. There are plenty of hot girls and naked people and other stuff on this site to see.

5/8/2004 2:02:13 AM

14 Photos

maybe because it is such a fucked up situation and goes against the grain, people take interest in it.

5/20/2004 5:24:18 AM

The Captain
10 Photos

Arr, harr. Iffin' me post a gang rape video, an' everyone on the internet be talkin righteously about how bad it be, they'd all still be takin a gander sooner or later.

[Edited by The Captain on 4/15/2005 4:58:21 AM. Reason for edit: Fergot me pirate jabber.]

4/15/2005 9:47:30 AM

30 Photos

This assclown is in my honors class right now. Maybe i should print out his sexual offender status and hand it out to the class so they are "in the know".

4/15/2005 3:38:40 PM

41 Photos

Go for it.

4/15/2005 11:08:29 PM

8 Photos

I never really knew dude in high school...damn yo...I think we used to make fun of him though...maybe that's why he turned to children?

9/18/2005 9:12:51 PM

129 Photos

all the legends are out to play today!

9/18/2005 11:41:04 PM

0 Photos

eww i cant believe we were in the same building at on time....had to listen to him give his stupid speech

1/8/2007 10:50:29 PM

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