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Gallery » GingerRogers
Remember the 80s flick with Bowie? 
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2 Photos

Labrynth ... what's my prize?

3/29/2004 1:23:21 PM

35 Photos

My mom was a huge fan of Bowie's bulge in that flick.

3/29/2004 1:25:23 PM

2 Photos

Is it sad my sister and I still sing that "You remind me of the babe ..." song with each other?
I think it is.

3/29/2004 2:33:48 PM

220 Photos

that movie used to scare the shit out of me

3/29/2004 2:55:10 PM

35 Photos

Dance magic dance.

3/29/2004 3:36:37 PM

33 Photos

Smack that baby, make him pee! (Trust me, it's in the movie.) Bluto rocks!

3/29/2004 4:11:11 PM

58 Photos

you are a q-t...i'm roomates with jason and stefan...hit me up

4/18/2004 9:35:43 AM

145 Photos

it scared me too tyler
that movie is not for kids, i had nightmares of it all the time
i love it now though

4/18/2004 6:14:52 PM

374 Photos

I loved that damn fox on the doggie. Sooooooo cute!

4/18/2004 8:30:55 PM

53 Photos

my sister just had a baby and i bought him a david bowie shirt that says 'rebel rebel' on it. and then i made her a cd with dance magic on it. when i go up and visit her that baby is going to dance till he's dizzy.

4/18/2004 10:12:06 PM

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