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Gallery » KrazyK
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Is that Nick and Jessica.....oh wait it's Nick and Shauna...ooppss.
0 Photos

Youre an ass. Guess who's going digging through the photo drawer.... rhimestomes anyone??

7/7/2005 1:10:16 AM

1 Photos

what's mean about the caption? i think it's cute, and kinda true lol

7/7/2005 1:18:06 AM

0 Photos

Its a joke. Shes just being an ass.... causing trouble....

7/7/2005 1:28:35 AM

1 Photos

ah ok, inside shit, but seriously, ya'll both look mad cute in this pic

7/7/2005 1:40:21 AM

37 Photos

Yes don't be angry if i remember this was a self taken pic (you know one where YOU take the picture yourselves)!

7/7/2005 2:42:11 AM

0 Photos

Ohhh get fucked, I did NOT take this photo.

7/7/2005 3:13:56 AM

30 Photos

I fee sowwy fo yo mova

7/7/2005 3:46:41 AM

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