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Shock to the what??? 
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Bon Jovi going for a crowd response while Kitcho is on the mic/tamborine?
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FYI- the name of that Bon Jovi song is "Shot through the Heart" have you seriously been singing Shock through the heart this whole time, if so thats fucking hysterical....

[Edited by ShaunaDG on 7/6/2005 8:39:08 PM. Reason for edit: I need hooked on phonics]

7/7/2005 1:38:34 AM

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Kitchin looks sooo confused in the background. The funniest part is that he is standing behind the empty mic stand and while jesse is running around with the moc. Do you think he is waiting for him to return it, or whats the deal?

7/9/2005 2:02:14 AM

30 Photos

drunken hizoooo'z

7/9/2005 5:35:12 AM

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Whats up with the angry ogre?

7/12/2005 12:08:44 AM

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