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Catch of the day anyone 
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209 Photos

Nice Catch...where were you at

6/28/2005 2:54:11 AM

1 Photos

is that a dolphin?

6/28/2005 3:02:55 AM

50 Photos

wow! big mother fucker! lol

6/28/2005 3:52:08 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

the fish?

6/28/2005 3:57:10 AM

82 Photos

damn dude is that the one that was caught on the 10 lb test?

6/28/2005 4:01:06 AM

10 Photos

nice fish! where did you catch it?

6/28/2005 4:09:15 AM

105 Photos

I cought it off of summerland Key ( 25 miles north of key west) about 23 miles out and yes that is a dolphin.

6/28/2005 6:39:07 AM

209 Photos

Shit...part of me was hoping you caught it in the gulf...I hate gulf fishing...I always fish in the bahamas

6/28/2005 1:28:12 PM

105 Photos

I have a house in crystal river and do some grouper fishin about 50 miles off shore but i have been down to the biminis to do some fishing and loved it down there.

6/28/2005 5:00:59 PM

394 Photos

there are dolphin in the gulf...I've caught them a few times out there...

6/28/2005 5:20:09 PM

105 Photos

Where did you go out in the gulf dolphin fishin at

6/28/2005 5:44:41 PM

394 Photos

the only times I've seen them out there they were on a board or something. From what I understand they'll come around a few of the artificial reefs out mexican pride and farther out.

6/28/2005 9:20:18 PM

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