0 Photos
I'd assume that since the spare is an A/T the rest are A/T's also. Not as good as M/t's, but atleast they're not really "street tires".
Looks like fun though. Is that a board or something jammed in behind the tire? = )
6/8/2005 9:03:57 PM
394 Photos
they look like bfg all terrains to me (at least that's what the spare looks like), they should be fine in mud, I think it's just too deep, or even more likely they didn't lock it into 4wd soon enough...
6/8/2005 9:06:27 PM
27 Photos
This land fill is known as "the race track" to the owner. He lives in a trailer up on the hill behind where this picture was taken.. but another 1000 feet at least. He was uncomfortably-overly nice, talking through all four teeth, and waste no time inviting inside. I politely refused, borrowed a shovel while listening to him tell me stories of how often us "young whipper-snappers" are getting stuck out there; 3-4 trucks bi-monthly.
It's located in Tallahassee and I recommend not trailblazing at 4am, by yourself, and without a wench.. ha! good times!
(these pictures do an effective job of reminding me to suppress my jackass-induced urges)
6/8/2005 9:44:09 PM
1 Photos
Thats some nasty shit, hope they had a second truck and a tow strap.
6/8/2005 9:45:15 PM