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35 Photos

bloomingdale... i was captain of the bloomingdale CC team in 98 and 99... good times

7/21/2004 9:31:08 PM

707 Photos

dont make me break out the sickles version of this dorky ass picture... lol

7/21/2004 9:32:42 PM

48 Photos

haha lets see it man, yeah i was captain 03 and 04 and you're right, good times good times

7/21/2004 9:54:35 PM

0 Photos

haha so you know kidder usfnate?

7/21/2004 11:46:03 PM

0 Photos

haha and you better dominate at the riverview invite paez!! cant break our streak

7/21/2004 11:46:55 PM

35 Photos

yep, chris and I ran togethor all through high school, in fact.. i was faster junior year , then senior year he pulled ahead a little.

7/21/2004 11:59:13 PM

0 Photos

nice, lol im not sure if i konw you, i ran with all them, kidder, the elkins bros, gardiff bros...

7/22/2004 12:19:28 AM

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