226 Photos
Awww Andy!! So much fun! Thank you!! =)
2/15/2007 3:13:04 PM
275 Photos
your so welcome Jenna, it was a lot of fun, and what is that supposed to mean kraft?
2/15/2007 4:23:20 PM
707 Photos
he thinks your special
2/15/2007 7:34:10 PM
226 Photos
Kraft, you're getting on my last nerve.
2/15/2007 9:05:22 PM
129 Photos
lol make a wish
2/15/2007 9:46:50 PM
146 Photos
2/15/2007 9:53:29 PM
275 Photos
yeah, kraft, what is your problem? what you got against me?
2/15/2007 11:12:02 PM
21 Photos
he's just a troll, and you can't say that shit isn't funny
2/16/2007 12:37:57 AM
275 Photos
^actually i can say, its not funny, causse its not
2/16/2007 12:48:02 AM
275 Photos
not really, but that just goes to show what of person you are that you'd think this is funny, in case you didn't know, the make-a-wish foundation is in place for people who are dieing and they grant them their last wish. its really not funny.
2/16/2007 12:52:02 AM
21 Photos
yeah, comparing something innocuous like a friendly valentine's date to the last request of a dying child is pretty funny. on the negative side, he did it in a way that implied that she'd never join you for a date under normal circumstances, but that's what i chalked up to his being a troll (not identifying himself, making fun of people he's never met online).
okay, thanks to that lengthy and unnecessary explanation, NOW it's not funny.
[Edited by shchmue on 2/15/2007 7:56:12 PM. Reason for edit: thanks to what?]
2/16/2007 12:55:42 AM
226 Photos
Why wouldn't I???? Andy's a great guy!
2/16/2007 2:21:35 AM
275 Photos
you know what kraft, you don't like me for some reason, thats fine, i don't care if everybody likes me, but do me a favor, and please don't comment on my pics or make anti-semitic comments towards me. you don't like me thats great, just leave me alone.
2/16/2007 4:47:27 AM
129 Photos
i cant believe you can be that sensitive and still frequent the internet
2/16/2007 5:03:17 AM
275 Photos
i'm allowed to visit the internet, i don't have to sit here and take anti-semitic comments and be referenced to somebody dieing. thats going overboard.
2/16/2007 5:10:33 AM
Seth Angelus
6 Photos
oh my fucking god, go to a corner, cry, and make a video blog right now.
2/16/2007 5:11:37 AM
21 Photos
^^ you'd better be having a rough day. there's really no excuse for this oversensitive crap. unbelievable.
2/16/2007 6:16:19 AM
275 Photos
i am actually having a rough week, and tonight just topped it off. and i've been made fun of my entire life, so i have a right to be sensitive about some things.
2/16/2007 6:17:32 AM
146 Photos
I was angry at those who made fun of me...until I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Lets talk, Andy. Lets get you smilin'...lets get you into heaven.
[Edited by CrazyPills69 on 2/16/2007 1:25:51 AM. Reason for edit: ...]
2/16/2007 6:23:44 AM
21 Photos
^ i can hear all the sleezy southern baptist pastor accent in that post. impeccable.
^^ i've been made fun of my whole life too. i stopped being bitter about that when i graduated from high school and learned how to get along with people.
2/16/2007 6:27:01 AM
275 Photos
^^i'm not accepting jesus as my saviour, won't happen in this lifetime.
^i know how to get a long with people, i'm just not going to take lightly somebody refering to me as a kid who is having his last wish granted (especially when my grandfather is in the hospital this week, had a pacemaker put in and was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease), as well as call me a "fucking kike" i'm sorry but that is just uncalled for.
2/16/2007 6:30:11 AM
146 Photos
quote :
i'm not accepting jesus as my saviour, won't happen in this lifetime. |
Unacceptable and unAmerican. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when Jesus returns. I'll keep you in my prayers, oh lost one...
[Edited by CrazyPills69 on 2/16/2007 1:33:46 AM. Reason for edit: 23]
2/16/2007 6:33:29 AM
21 Photos
quote :
s well as call me a "fucking kike" |
if that bothers you, that's what you get for being so racially minded. it's really 12-year-old of you to let a stupid remark a troll made get to you. way to go.
none of us knew your grandfather was in the hospital, it's your fault for taking that personally. if someone says "your mom" as a light-hearted retort to me i don't hold it against them for not knowing my mom died 2 months ago. you can't just appreciate his clever remark (or loathe him because you're apparently really passive-aggressive) and just let it be?
grow up.
2/16/2007 6:48:37 AM
17 Photos
not that my opinion means much, but since you are so gun-ho about being jewish, more so than seems to be the "norm" (no offence intended), you kind of make yourself a target for derogatory comments-- not that calling you a kike is ok, but that is kinda how it works, you are not going to draw only good attention to yourself, thats just how it goes. Sorry about your luck, fella.
[Edited by ATLDrtybird7 on 2/16/2007 2:04:19 AM. Reason for edit: .]
2/16/2007 6:56:25 AM
Seth Angelus
6 Photos
posting on the internet about your grandfather's unfortunate sickness isn't going to get you pity points, you idiot.
Oh look at me, I'm going to use the guilt trip using paranthesis. Fuck you.
This is you:
2/16/2007 7:08:23 AM
57 Photos
you get made fun of because you are sensitive
you are not sensitive because you get made fun of
if anything being made fun of your entire life should make you less sensitive
2/16/2007 7:26:44 AM
129 Photos
exactly. i got made fun of for being smart in school. now, im a huge asshole. everybody wins.
2/16/2007 7:57:38 AM
21 Photos
^^, ^ exactly. pick your battles wisely. i don't care whether anything said offends you. i hope it offends you and you come out stronger for it, or something.
^^^ ahaha, he was also pretty hilarious in scrubs.
2/16/2007 8:27:04 AM
226 Photos
Hey lets just gang up on Andy....assholes. Also, since we're at is being Jewish considered 'un-American'??? Shall I get out the old first amendment here and note that Congress can make no law establishing a religion? Secondly, some of you guys are my friends, and it angers me beyond belief that you're giving Andy a hard time. So what if he's Jewish and proud of it? Let him be for goodness sake!! Gosh I feel like we're in freaking middle school or something.
2/16/2007 3:24:56 PM
707 Photos
I think you need to re-read the comments jenna. Most of them were sarcastic and attempts to prove a point. That he needs to quit being a pussy.
2/16/2007 4:33:55 PM
Liquid Anubis
1 Photos
I think you need to re-read the comments jenna. Most of them were sarcastic and attempts to prove a point. That he needs to quit being a pussy.
2/16/2007 4:50:59 PM
Seth Angelus
6 Photos
I think you need to re-read the comments jenna. Most of them were sarcastic and attempts to prove a point. That he needs to quit being a pussy.
2/16/2007 4:59:58 PM
nikki ole
602 Photos
She's not Jewish...I smell trouble afoot
2/16/2007 6:20:54 PM
226 Photos
Perhaps you guys made those comments with sarcastic intent, but regardless, MY friend was hurt and I'm not happy about it. Quite frankly, I'm really PO-ed. Andy's one of my best friends. We had a fabulous Valentines Day together. Can't we just leave it at that?
2/16/2007 9:26:20 PM
707 Photos
did he touch your legg?
[Edited by TrackStar on 2/16/2007 4:34:02 PM. Reason for edit: []
2/16/2007 9:33:51 PM
12 Photos
Make-A-Wish... haha, I get it. Funny!
2/16/2007 9:52:14 PM
226 Photos
2/16/2007 11:41:33 PM
293 Photos
quote :
^^i'm not accepting jesus as my saviour, won't happen in this lifetime. |
Your people killed Jesus, I don't think that he'd count you among his saved... don't get rejected and turn around and act like it was a personal choice on your behalf.
2/17/2007 6:08:20 AM
7 Photos
The internet is a context in its own, and very obviously has a different set of values about courtesy. People say things here that they wouldn't say at cocktail parties because if they did, they'd be embarrassing themselves and called out by other people. That's the reason people are polite in person, not because they genuinely care about hurting people's feelings. Anyway, if somebody says something you find offensive, it's generally best to address it directly and then move on without becoming involved in the argument itself.
2/17/2007 3:39:07 PM
45 Photos
kraft is a prick. This much is true. Now stop being a baby.
2/17/2007 7:34:51 PM
21 Photos
quote :
So what if he's Jewish and proud of it? Let him be for goodness sake!! Gosh I feel like we're in freaking middle school or something. |
one of my points was that if jewish pride means someone calling him a racial slur makes him throw an online hissy-fit, he's acting like he's "in freaking middle school or something."
2/17/2007 9:56:09 PM
67 Photos
It's a Jewish conspiracy.
2/17/2007 10:19:31 PM
30 Photos
This thread has gone on too long about the same comment.
2/18/2007 7:56:30 AM
63 Photos
im jewish too but geez man dont be such a fucking pussy. its the fucking internet jewtang get over it.
2/18/2007 8:02:29 AM
271 Photos
quote :
8 Photos
one of my points was that if jewish pride means someone calling him a racial slur makes him throw an online hissy-fit, he's acting like he's "in freaking middle school or something." |
Consider this, though... If he was black and the slur was regarding his race, everyone would say that he would be justified in "throwing an online hissy-fit" of some sort. How many times on this site has this been proven to be true with the ever so vocal black population on this site, but when its regarding Judaism or certain other issues, it is taken with nonchalance as unimportant. Just something to think about.
2/18/2007 4:51:21 PM
12 Photos
His handle is Jewtang. I'm just sayin'.
2/18/2007 10:52:04 PM
275 Photos
While nobody called me a "kike" on this thread Kraft, you yourself did call me one in a thread over in the sports section of the message board, look up the "national signing day" thread. but then again, i never said i was called one on this thread, now did i? and ohcheeserice, what does my handle have to do with anything? should i make fun of you for liking rice and being asain???
[Edited by jewtang610 on 2/18/2007 6:28:28 PM. Reason for edit: .]
2/18/2007 11:27:59 PM
7 Photos
You don't get her handle, do you?
2/18/2007 11:37:38 PM
275 Photos
no, nor do i care, i was making a comparison. she's asain and has rice in her handle, is it not a stereotype that all asians eat rice all the time? if its ok to make fun of me because my handle has the word Jew in it, than why wouldn't it be ok to make fun of her for that? just sayin
2/18/2007 11:43:19 PM
Seth Angelus
6 Photos
You are not being made fun of for having "jew" in your handle.
You are being made fun of for being oversensitive on the internet.
Now, as I have clearly shoved this spoon of understanding well down your throat, I think I'm going to kill myself.
2/18/2007 11:47:42 PM
Seth Angelus
6 Photos
and then get resurrected because I'm JESUS, BYATCH.
2/18/2007 11:48:42 PM
226 Photos
Ughh just to let you know, there's more than one person who posts under 'kraft' so it could be ANYBODY on a given day.
2/18/2007 11:58:41 PM
12 Photos
That's exactly my point. The real meaning of my handle aside; you used the theory of my having the word "rice" in my handle as a sign that I didn't care that you made fun of me eating rice everyday because I'm Asian, which I do and am. Therefore, it should hold true for you if the case being that your using the word "Jew" in your handle would suspect a person to believe you didn't care if they made fun of you being a Jewish person. My previous point is proven by your post. Wow, that last sentence I wrote was like when V makes his introduction in V for Vendetta because my name is Phong and it starts with a P.
That's enough of that. Some people can handle ribbing, others need to grow a thicker skin. To each his own.
2/19/2007 12:28:47 AM
293 Photos
^I sat in the chair in your photo
2/19/2007 12:34:56 AM
1 Photos
2/20/2007 4:24:43 AM