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Gallery » MTECougar2002
Bike Night 
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St. Pete Quaker Steak n Lube
6 Photos

Steak n lube...that sounds like my kind of combination!

1/19/2007 5:36:45 AM

85 Photos

Wed. nights, come have some steak and lube up.

1/19/2007 5:41:56 AM

1 Photos

Is that the one on 49th ST and US19?

1/19/2007 11:11:19 AM

1 Photos

how do you like that bike? I almost bought one a week ago.

1/19/2007 3:20:32 PM

85 Photos

^^ yep thats the one
^ and i love the bike. they really optimized the 07's and there isn't much more you could ask for when it comes to the standard options. the clutch is like butter too which is one of the most noticeable things when you ride.

1/19/2007 10:32:47 PM

374 Photos

I hear Thursdays are the nights to be there. Only been twice. Once for Rolling Thunder and once for the Supra meet.

[Edited by Troux on 1/19/2007 6:23:27 PM. Reason for edit: :]

1/19/2007 11:22:45 PM

1 Photos

Nice, hopefully i'll take the dive and get an '07 sometime this year. I need to take that MSF course first.

1/19/2007 11:49:37 PM

85 Photos

Wed. there were about 300 bikes i would say and that was a slow night. They close off the whole back lot for bikes only.

The MRA course in Tampa is the school I would recommend if you are looking to either get your endorsement, or are a beginner looking to become comfortable on a bike. You get your money's worth with them and they give a military discount in case that applies.

1/20/2007 1:17:30 AM

1 Photos

Is that the name of the actual organization that does the course? Last I researched, there was a shit ton of places to get the endorsement in the area.

1/20/2007 2:22:30 AM

85 Photos

Yes, that is an actual motorcycle school. They have a website if you want to look them up online.

1/20/2007 2:40:03 AM

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