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226 Photos

omg I didn't even see this!!!

12/25/2006 6:30:01 AM

146 Photos

^Hey, you got Johnny U, so hush.

Mike and I made THIS our first priority upon arrival at Legions Field.

12/25/2006 6:56:09 AM

443 Photos

Yeah, even though SOME PEOPLE were like "why do you want to take a picture in front of this thing?" or "who is Bear Bryant anyway?"

wow man...just wow

12/25/2006 10:48:01 PM

226 Photos

Who didn't know who Bear Bryant is/was???? Jesus!

12/26/2006 10:54:40 PM

129 Photos

jesus didnt know who bear bryant was? well, it was after his time.

12/26/2006 10:57:10 PM

37 Photos

^ delivery

12/26/2006 10:57:52 PM

146 Photos

Bryant will return.

12/27/2006 12:19:28 AM

443 Photos

Who didn't know?

Emo Kid didn't know.

12/27/2006 2:41:55 AM

146 Photos

If one of those good ole' boys heard anything disrespectful of Bear Bryant, they took "care" of you immediately. I'm not joking.

12/27/2006 4:28:23 AM

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