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Gallery » racerjas983
just a bird 
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13 Photos

ohhh prettyyy birdyyyyyyy

11/29/2006 6:02:50 PM

494 Photos

gives your gun something to aim for

11/29/2006 11:53:55 PM

494 Photos

[Edited by racerjas983 on 11/29/2006 6:54:20 PM. Reason for edit: .]

11/29/2006 11:53:58 PM

129 Photos

shoot a crow? wow. high on the list of pointless endeavours.

11/30/2006 2:07:26 AM

13 Photos

turkey vulture... and yea the only pride i would take in shooting on is if i did it with... well no wouldnt be fun at all.

11/30/2006 3:08:20 AM

129 Photos

i suppose it is a vulture. good eye, no perspective.

11/30/2006 7:25:49 PM

494 Photos

it is... those things are freakin huge

11/30/2006 11:35:36 PM

13 Photos

and annoying on back roads when they dont get outa the damn way

12/1/2006 1:35:11 AM

494 Photos

thats what the gun and big trucks are used for

i like how commented pointless pics get the most views...

[Edited by racerjas983 on 12/1/2006 12:14:37 AM. Reason for edit: ""]

12/1/2006 5:09:32 AM

13 Photos

i know no one looks at my naked pictures cuz no one comments... is that bad?

12/1/2006 7:20:52 AM

494 Photos

haha i wont comment or look...

of course they all missed the pic with all the birds in a tree... geez thats a turkey fest

[Edited by racerjas983 on 12/1/2006 11:59:07 AM. Reason for edit: .]

12/1/2006 4:57:03 PM

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