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My Old Girlfriends 
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Yes, these are three of my old girlfriends. The break-ups were mutual, and we are still on good terms as you can see.
226 Photos

10/28/2006 1:16:24 AM

707 Photos

Does that bitch have a mustache!?

10/28/2006 1:17:42 AM

180 Photos

What the FUCK is that on the left?

10/28/2006 1:57:36 AM

1 Photos

I retract this statement, not because of the below comment- but because it was rude, and I'm not rude.

[Edited by 03LadyNicole on 10/27/2006 10:03:18 PM. Reason for edit: .]

10/28/2006 2:18:43 AM

443 Photos

HEY NOW! Keep the negative comments to a minimum, please. I wear my heart on my sleeves =/

10/28/2006 2:44:09 AM

63 Photos

i think she is a man disguised as a hairy indian girl.

10/28/2006 3:05:08 AM

374 Photos

Nicole, you're a pussy. These aren't his ex's, it's just a picture of some ugly chicks.

10/28/2006 3:22:13 AM

443 Photos


10/28/2006 3:31:49 AM

1 Photos

As I said before it had nothing to do with him... It simply had to do with me. I dont like being a mean person, things like that dont normally come out of my mouth (they typically do cross my mind). I use the technique 'kill em with kindness'.

10/28/2006 3:39:55 AM

394 Photos

wow ive never seen this picture before.


10/28/2006 3:48:26 AM

71 Photos

I'd hit it.... the one on the very right in the back, with the camera around her neck

10/28/2006 4:59:33 AM

226 Photos

agreed. of course you have to wonder if she's just hot by comparison cause...

[Edited by Okrbot23 on 10/28/2006 8:31:01 AM. Reason for edit: fg]

10/28/2006 1:30:34 PM

37 Photos

everyone here talks as if these people you "reject" would actually want to do you anyway

10/28/2006 1:51:28 PM

443 Photos

Alas, the furthest I ever went was making out with these fine ladies. They wouldn't let me put it in their peepees.

I was backed up for months... =/

10/28/2006 2:15:10 PM

226 Photos

^^Hulllllo, Imaginary univers!

10/28/2006 2:50:07 PM

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