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kitchen 1 
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the cabinet boxes and doors are getting high adhesion white paint. Not sure if I'll replace the counter top or not yet. I'm sure I'll get tired of the sink. There is no dishwasher, so I need a girlfriend or need to add one. If I open the wall from the kitchen to the living room I'll have to get new counter tops, but I've seen a concrete counter top that looked great, sooo we'll see.

I only plan on having it for 2 years, after that I may rent it if I can, or just cash out and move on to the next one.

6/6/2006 7:30:35 PM

41 Photos

You must get a butcher-block counter-top. And I'd recommend Swanstone for the rest of the counter...

[Edited by elm3r on 6/6/2006 8:47:45 PM. Reason for edit: w00pw00p]

6/7/2006 1:47:06 AM

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