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Gallery » Dev0station
katie and will 
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253 Photos

You guys make a cute couple

5/26/2006 3:49:06 PM

394 Photos

quote :

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. - William Jennings Bryan

5/26/2006 5:22:26 PM

7 Photos

This was will before he got so drunk that he started grabing every ass in front of him including the men, ya fag.

5/26/2006 5:25:45 PM

253 Photos

I've never met Katie but I like her. She seems really sweet and she's soo cute.

5/26/2006 6:28:42 PM

63 Photos

and she looks cute in short shorts that she wears to softball.

5/26/2006 6:31:42 PM

293 Photos

she is a sweetheart, her pictures do her no justice. Plus, she's got a fun personality and likes to hang out.

5/26/2006 10:48:29 PM

443 Photos

^Jesse, you are 110% correct sir.

5/26/2006 11:10:55 PM

1 Photos

this picture is hideous. take down now plz!

and thanks for all the good all make me smile! =)=)=)

5/26/2006 11:14:08 PM

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