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Gallery » Dev0station
mmm... the wheel stud is ok 
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but I think the shaft is done? what do you guys think?
394 Photos

russ says he can weld it... I'm not sure I'd like it welded.

you think that's part of the shaft?

5/17/2006 1:37:41 AM

Farris Bueller
2 Photos

What were you doing trying to beat out a stud?

5/17/2006 2:39:01 AM

1 Photos

Daaaamn! Time to replace hub for sure, I wouldnt trust it welded. When you say shaft you mean the axle/half shaft right?

5/17/2006 2:39:40 AM

443 Photos

wtf...Ferris Bueller? Where the FUCK is Parker Lewis when you need him?

5/17/2006 2:43:02 AM

Farris Bueller
2 Photos

No shit..

5/17/2006 2:55:49 AM

394 Photos

nope, it was broken on the trail. I thought when it went it was just the stud, buuuuutttt, it wasn't.

5/17/2006 3:13:28 AM

180 Photos

Bad design.

5/17/2006 6:32:29 AM

394 Photos

good news, it looks to be part of the hub.

5/17/2006 2:53:00 PM

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