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39 Photos

aww devo like the longer hair

5/15/2006 10:02:50 PM

443 Photos

Okay...I left at the SAME TIME as you, Danielle...and I really REALLY don't remember this happening. Did you go back afterwards!??!

5/15/2006 11:36:49 PM

30 Photos

hell yeah baish

5/15/2006 11:38:53 PM

1 Photos

isn't that your watch? It's got to be you Danielle

5/16/2006 1:09:06 AM

1 Photos

woaaah now! you crazy kids!

5/16/2006 3:56:38 AM

443 Photos

To put it in the immortal words of a wise man from the Naples area:

"I was fucked-ass up!"

5/16/2006 11:52:26 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

5/17/2006 5:20:34 PM

1 Photos


5/17/2006 5:23:08 PM

7 Photos

Haha Seth you are my hero. That should be in the jewelry ads. I mean, it's really the men who buy them, right? And these little wishy washy pansy commercials probably aren't motivating them properly. But the promise of sexual favors would.

Devon your hair looks neat. Mine did that when it was short.

5/19/2006 3:43:48 PM

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