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we are fucking awesome
146 Photos

Stoned Elephant.

Damn, I'm dumb.

[Edited by CrazyPills69 on 3/17/2006 8:29:34 PM. Reason for edit: But you knew that. I sent out a press release. I ate most of them. ]

3/18/2006 1:28:54 AM

32 Photos

wut no elephant pen0s? lol

3/18/2006 1:58:31 AM

128 Photos

it always makes me giggle just a bit inside every time jesus christ comments on my page.

3/18/2006 5:10:15 PM

12 Photos

I love how it looks like I'm gnawing off my lower lip.

3/28/2006 12:17:45 AM

the dude
9 Photos

If that was a real elephant I would immediately jump inside his mouth and stab his brain, effectively killing him before stealing his lustrous ivory tusks and his two mysterious bipedal girlfriends that could always be found riding around on his snout and gently tugging on this floppy ears.

3/28/2006 12:32:19 AM

128 Photos


3/28/2006 2:47:45 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

The elephants don't have eyes.
The NOT...have EYES.
Ears? check.
Trunk? check.
Tusks? check.
My modern day Elvira and her comrade-in-arms? doubley-check.
But are there elephant eyes? Fuck no..
..that dastardly Great Gazoo did this heinous prank I KNOW HE DID.

3/28/2006 3:07:29 AM

128 Photos

lmfao. comrade-in-arms? bitch i run this show ;)

3/28/2006 10:19:53 AM

129 Photos

quote :

modern day Elvira


3/28/2006 5:57:41 PM

12 Photos

quote :

modern day Elvira

That's the biggest compliment ever, you have no idea.

4/14/2006 12:16:13 AM

128 Photos

omg, you really dont even know

4/14/2006 12:28:15 AM

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