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nikki ole
602 Photos

I think I drank a liter of that last night...

2/26/2006 11:03:44 PM

17 Photos

that stuff is foul.

2/26/2006 11:21:24 PM

226 Photos

^YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WOMAN! Jager is my mistress and although I couldnt partake this weekend of her, she is my ambrosia!

2/27/2006 12:32:00 PM

146 Photos

lol, Oscar introduced Yuengling and Jager to me. They are now my favorites.

2/27/2006 12:40:08 PM

119 Photos

no no no, wait, I noticed this the other night, you girls have a a lot of peanut butter, and even more girl scout cookies!

2/27/2006 1:33:05 PM

226 Photos

Kristin mentioned the girlscout cookies to me last night lol.

2/27/2006 3:05:26 PM

17 Photos

sorry Oscar, it's just i dated a guy that told me i'd like jager and that it tastes like bubblegum. he was wrong and a liar!

2/27/2006 4:11:34 PM

68 Photos

I think it's safe to say that it's your fault for thinking that ANY liquor wouold taste like bubblegum

2/27/2006 4:22:22 PM

17 Photos

lol. i didn't believe it would really taste like bubblegum but i was willing to humor him with the hope that it wouldn't taste as awful as i think it does.

2/27/2006 5:11:30 PM

12 Photos

yeah oscar.. i sawe them... like all 10 boxes..... they must get some serious munchies in that house... hummm

2/27/2006 7:28:22 PM

128 Photos

theyre mine... alllllll mine. i was like "365 days in the year and they only sell these cookies for like 30 of them.... so im gonna blow some fucking $ and have cookies for 6 months." there are in fact 10 boxes. counting weirdo.

peanut butter fucking rocks. when i was little id just get a spoon and eat it out of the jar. we have in fact 3 different kinds of peanut butter... which is why there are 3 jars in the pantry. we're a bunch of fatasses.

2/27/2006 7:59:35 PM

146 Photos

Now I'm hungry...great.

2/27/2006 8:00:52 PM

226 Photos

1. FUCK I missed the cheese! I fucking love cheese!

2. Those ten boxes wont last till march 8th I'll put money on it.

3. How the fuck can you have three types of peanutbutter? theres creamy and cant have creamuncy.

4. Yeah he was a liar, I'd punch him in the vag for implying that jager tasted like anything other than sweet sweet liquorice!

[Edited by Okrbot23 on 2/27/2006 4:49:55 PM. Reason for edit: df]

2/27/2006 9:48:58 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

quote :

I remember having quite a bit of cheese at the party.


2/27/2006 10:18:56 PM

128 Photos

there was cheese at the party?

^^^peanut butter:
creamy, crunchy, and reduced fat (which is disgusting and i refuse to eat it.)

2/28/2006 12:09:10 AM

89 Photos

kinda looks like a young eric roberts. not the best picture i could find though. so im sure you'll all disagree.

2/28/2006 12:28:04 AM

119 Photos

^^ how the hell did you miss the huge plate of cheese at your own party??

2/28/2006 1:52:30 AM

128 Photos

i drank a few beers, 1/3 of a bottle of milagro and 1/2 a bottle of patron. thats how. apparently, i blew out candles on my cake. the only reason i know this is because there's little drips of wax on parts of the icing.

2/28/2006 2:40:56 AM

30 Photos

^^^ The only reason Chad would be in prison would be for being too badass.

2/28/2006 3:19:55 AM

1 Photos

jager + rootbeer = rage.

2/28/2006 3:23:00 AM

146 Photos

2/28/2006 5:38:21 AM

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