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One of my prized posessions 
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Signed by her
101 Photos

I sure do love those Italian women... ARIA is pretty hot.

2/2/2006 3:05:37 AM

136 Photos

quote :

A signed picture of whore. Congrats...

You English type good!

2/2/2006 5:19:26 AM

63 Photos


2/2/2006 5:26:02 AM

136 Photos

1) That's a DVD. But I do also have a picture she signed for me.

2) I also have a picture of the two of us at MegaCon 3 years ago. I thought meeting one of the most beautiful women on the earth was a good day.

3) I would like to know your definition of whore since she has yet to do any girl/guy scenes.

4) I still want to meet Tera Patrick.

2/2/2006 5:44:17 AM

136 Photos

I respect the female form as opposed to someone who idolizes dead rappers. I think your obsession is sad.

2/2/2006 5:52:46 AM

136 Photos

If I'm obsessed with anything, it is TV, since that is the only thing I watch every day.

So, if you have an autograph from an athlete, that makes you a groupie?

And what does everyone think I love porn for?

2/2/2006 6:00:23 AM

136 Photos

Actually the DVD has been in my closest for a number of months now and is back there.

The only thing I kiss every night before bed is my hookah hose.

2/2/2006 6:06:23 AM

136 Photos

yeah, that was pretty dumb of me to type.

2/2/2006 6:18:00 AM

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