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Even stuffed Hippos like Hookah
3 Photos

I thought you were holding a sword/knife/gun on the hippo.
STOP RIGHT THERE!!! Or else the hippo gets it!

1/12/2006 6:29:12 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

AWW! I love hippo's! I want it

1/12/2006 6:31:36 AM

3 Photos

Oh...I'll give it to you! *nudge*

[Edited by razmatazz9 on 1/12/2006 1:34:51 AM. Reason for edit: well not rly b/c technically i have nothing to give]

1/12/2006 6:33:49 AM

253 Photos

HIPPO!!!!!!! My favoritest animal in the whoooollleee world.

1/12/2006 11:21:42 PM

136 Photos

Hippos are my favorite animal as well. Since they kill more humans a year than any other animal (aside from other humans).

And no, the knifes are under the other pillow.

1/13/2006 12:30:52 AM

3 Photos

Okay, gotcha. Good to know.

1/13/2006 12:43:08 AM

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