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Gallery » TenaciousD
Me beating the shit ouf of someone on New Years 
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Thats what you get when you hit a girl...
9 Photos

HAHAHAHA sucks to be him did you break his nose or anything?

1/4/2006 2:00:42 AM

189 Photos

No one ever sees the left...

1/4/2006 2:02:19 AM

9 Photos


1/4/2006 2:04:27 AM

295 Photos

Why doesn't this surprise me?

1/4/2006 2:40:05 AM

108 Photos

I beat a guy up on New Year's too! Not New Year's eve though...New Year's day....congrats Doner, you nailed yourself another !

1/4/2006 2:42:54 AM

189 Photos

I dont know if Tyler has blood on his shirt, but the kid grabbed him by the balls when I was draggin him down the stairs. It resulted in a boot to the face.

1/4/2006 10:20:07 AM

67 Photos

I demand the back story to this incredibly blurry and dark photograph.

1/4/2006 11:38:14 PM

189 Photos

Guy pushes my friend's gf down for accidentaly bumping into him, then holds her down. He then goes outside and the guy whos party it was (RJ) asked him to leave. I decided to step in since im good friends with RJ and tell him to leave after hes telling everyone to fuck off. I gave him till the count of three to walk downstairs. I told him if he just left everything would be cool. He didnt procede so I put him in a choke hold and drug him down the stairs. At the bottom, he swung on me, missed and hit the kid on the left of me in the face. So I hit him with a left and we both beat the shit out of him.....end of story.

1/5/2006 7:40:48 AM

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