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Metal Gear Solid 3 
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My friends were playing it today. When we got to the Sorrow, dear god did my friends kill a lot of people.
Seth Angelus
6 Photos

if you kill the sorrow when you see him for the first time carried out in a wheelchair, you won't have to face him. You'll face a couple of GRU soldiers instead.

12/28/2005 8:17:07 AM

192 Photos


12/28/2005 4:24:28 PM

136 Photos

I also heard if you are fighting the End, and you pause the game for like a week, or change the internal clock on your PS2 for a week later, he will have died by the next time you play the game.

12/28/2005 6:34:52 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

...Metal Gear.

12/29/2005 12:46:13 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos


12/29/2005 1:11:41 AM

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