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I have Pretty Eyes 
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The aftermath of the night, the made me pretty. But of course you all knew that.
136 Photos

What's an interesting trend is that I have worn make up 3 times this year, and all three times it has been applied by sorority girls.

12/15/2005 2:08:18 AM

295 Photos


12/15/2005 2:12:58 AM

3 Photos

I like your necklace.

12/15/2005 3:05:43 AM

136 Photos

^^Not at all. I just think I look better than Eddie Izzard.

^It was my best friend's girlfriend's. She was one of the girls that put makeup on me.

12/15/2005 3:16:08 AM

1 Photos

Girls putting make up on you does not mean they want to do you Mike... Slap the bitch and put your dick in her mouth.

12/15/2005 3:34:40 AM

226 Photos

ah...ah...AH COME ON! What if Victor Davion or Phelan Kell ever saw you like that?

12/15/2005 3:39:52 AM

119 Photos

I've had worse [I was on alot of drugs] and I am never letting any two girls [or more] tie me up.
And thankfully there are no pictures to prove it - PHEW!

12/15/2005 4:00:00 AM

136 Photos

^^ If I got results, I don't think they would mind what I looked like. Besides, make up would sweat off, especially if you overheat.

12/15/2005 4:13:35 AM

131 Photos

Mike you look like my boss.

And she's a she.

This is scary.

12/15/2005 5:15:24 AM

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