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Gallery » Okrbot23
damn, even the mice have digital cameras. 
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90 Photos

Eye h8 u.

The night that started it all...

12/14/2005 10:09:17 PM

226 Photos

yes...your "induction" if you will.

12/15/2005 3:37:58 AM

131 Photos

haha, that was when people came back to my place after Dan's and I was really tired and just wanted to sleep. Dylan and Aaron were passing out and everyone decided to come over. I wound up dragging pillows and blankets and started going to sleep in my living room amidst entertaining. Sorry if I seemed a bit mean or grumpy, Melissa! I was just tired.

12/15/2005 9:23:56 AM

90 Photos

I don't blame you, it was late. I would have done the same thing.

12/15/2005 3:03:45 PM

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