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Gallery » Okrbot23
break it down girls 
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131 Photos

No no no. This was the "I'MMMMM FIFFTTYYY," movement..hence my shirt being tucked in that consequently looks like a big spillage of fat over my pants, but no, it's a long camisole that is tucked in to create the fattage effect. I promise. I was bringing up my "I'm fifty" hands.

12/15/2005 5:09:38 AM

226 Photos pretty sure thats the harlem shake youre doing.

12/15/2005 8:06:35 AM

131 Photos


Then why is my shirt tucked in?

12/15/2005 8:51:22 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

she's doing the 1-2 step.

I can hear the ootz ootz beat now..

12/15/2005 1:19:35 PM

226 Photos

^^I dont know, im not a crazy hoodrat white girl like you

^sir I think you are correct, I can hear sierra in the background right now.

12/15/2005 1:59:37 PM

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