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Gallery » MTECougar2002
The Tampa Gang 
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me, frodo, and mackdadam.
1 Photos

the one on th eleft please!

12/10/2005 5:03:14 PM

234 Photos


needs moar camel spiders!

12/10/2005 7:41:28 PM

85 Photos

no, we need strippers.

12/11/2005 2:58:44 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos


12/11/2005 8:09:55 AM

85 Photos

yep, he's here with me too!

12/12/2005 2:41:19 AM

30 Photos

Is the guy on the top bunk named brendon?

12/12/2005 6:20:37 AM

85 Photos

nope, thats ^^ "CURTIS!!"

12/12/2005 12:29:01 PM

1 Photos

outta curiosity- where r u stationed, and how long r u gone for?

12/12/2005 3:25:00 PM

85 Photos

im stationed just outside of bahgdad, can't say exactly where, but i can say that justin is right on the fucking money. i'll be gone until around the first week of march, where i will be home for 2 weeks, and my b-day is march 7th! i havent been home since the end of august, fuck.

12/13/2005 4:56:25 AM

41 Photos

quote :

Shit looks like prison minus the laptop, headphones, digital camera and gang rapes...

And the cool-ass firepower that they get to have.

12/13/2005 8:29:03 PM

85 Photos

to be honest i wouldnt mind if i never had to use any of it.

12/14/2005 4:00:57 AM

41 Photos

quote :

to be honest i wouldnt mind if i never had to use any of it.

oh, no joke. i completely understand that, man.

but be honest: isn't it cool to blow shit up sometimes? =)

12/14/2005 6:53:05 AM

85 Photos

yes....throwing a stinger grenade into a big group of iraqi's...really is quite fun.

12/14/2005 12:04:03 PM

297 Photos

If you have an Internet connection, I can give you a live feed like Will (Do Stuff) has on his profile. Talk to him for how to set it up.

12/17/2005 6:23:15 PM

89 Photos

^ what cant you do? srsly

12/17/2005 6:25:44 PM

234 Photos

^^omfg do it

i will watch it ALL THE TIME

[Edited by Trillian on 12/17/2005 1:28:39 PM. Reason for edit: UNF UNF UNF UNF]

12/17/2005 6:28:26 PM

41 Photos

quote :

yes....throwing a stinger grenade into a big group of iraqi's...really is quite fun.

was not speaking of that. killing should never be fun. killing should only be done when it is absolutely necessary to ensure your continued existance.

but seeing old cars blow up and shit: now THAT is fun!

12/17/2005 6:35:53 PM

85 Photos

a stinger grenade is for riot control, it doesnt kill. it's filled with a bunch of rubber balls that bounce around and hurt, not kill. and yea alan, once the connection gets re-wired here and a bit faster i can set up the live feed. good deal.

12/18/2005 1:37:17 PM

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