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Gallery » Your Naim Heer
baby micheal in my bed 
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101 Photos

That baby look a little angry...... look on your mirror does it say redrum?

2/11/2004 4:54:15 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

naw, he was just tired. he used to climb in bed with me in the morning.

2/11/2004 5:23:49 PM

144 Photos

Isn't that illegal in all 50 states?>

2/11/2004 5:25:03 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

ha ha. so funny. thats a knee slapper. little kids climb in bed with thier parenst all the time. i was his nanny since and since his parenst weren't around so much, i was a replacement parent, sorta

2/11/2004 5:29:43 PM

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