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kappa sigs @ homecoming 
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the untouchables...3rd place! i love my boys!
93 Photos

we do rock

i know...

thank you ...

10/28/2005 3:09:07 AM

295 Photos

Nice third place torphy

10/28/2005 3:28:16 AM

78 Photos

We had the best homecoming team EVER! SigDelts Love Kappa Sig

10/28/2005 3:49:36 AM

93 Photos

we dont buy our trophies

10/28/2005 10:16:27 AM

93 Photos

not all the sororities that we were with helped us out..

so for having about 20 people do all the work...i think we did fuckin awesome..


10/28/2005 10:01:06 PM

295 Photos

Niether do we. We just work hard and care.

And don't involve alcohol in ever social activity we do. Since we're able to complete tasks sober and all.

10/28/2005 10:06:18 PM

93 Photos

^the first comment makes me laugh

but you use the second comment as an insult...its ok...we have more fun...

true story

10/28/2005 10:07:45 PM

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