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Gallery » Cire19
shwemming in the MLK plza 
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@ 3 in the morning.
129 Photos

...not too many girls there, eh?

10/26/2005 8:01:59 AM

295 Photos

Actually there were 3 others who aren't in the picture obviously. I wouldn't have minded anyway. I don't based having fun and enjoying myslef on girl/guy ratios.

10/26/2005 8:10:11 AM

129 Photos

when theres naked men involved, my mind typically turns to how many females there are around.

10/26/2005 8:14:58 AM

295 Photos

Except when it's Tyler.

[Edited by Cire19 on 10/26/2005 4:10:02 AM. Reason for edit: .]

10/26/2005 8:41:17 AM

129 Photos

^^its nearly 2006, might want to toss out those 2004 jokes

10/26/2005 3:53:50 PM

295 Photos

Yes, let's keep the past in the past so your comment would make sense, since no one knows that tyler sucked your dick.

[Edited by Cire19 on 10/26/2005 11:01:45 AM. Reason for edit: ..]

10/26/2005 3:58:50 PM

1 Photos

BUSTED...all over his face.

10/26/2005 6:05:27 PM

129 Photos


10/26/2005 6:34:31 PM

30 Photos

swimming in that thing is better in the day

10/26/2005 11:28:09 PM

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