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50 Photos

awww....too cute

10/20/2005 4:44:44 AM

105 Photos

thanks! she's so sweet.. i'm already obsessed with her lol!

10/20/2005 4:47:31 AM

15 Photos

^I can see why

10/20/2005 5:18:53 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Beth: Nikki, she won't stop crying!
Me: Put her up your shirt, they like that

Will: Look, she likes me
Beth: Yeah well she was enjoying laying on my boobies earier the little lesbo

*cough*waits for thank you for taking 20+ pics*cough*

10/20/2005 5:39:26 AM

105 Photos

Ahhhhh I said THANK YOU earlier you little freak!! But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! (plus you know you liked taking those pics of the little angel!) except she's not so much of an angel this morning since she pissed in her crate, keeps biting the hell out of me, and won't listen to a damn thing i say... but at least she has some personality now!!! haha nikki I LOVE YOU!! and leila loves her aunt nikki too!!!!!!!!!

10/20/2005 12:09:28 PM

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