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My friend Rich and I at Amphitheater's Tantra night. It was hott!!!!
1 Photos

wow, look at the definition in her stomach... wow

10/9/2005 7:58:52 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Yeah, that does kinda look like some rib there....but hey man, trust me, I'm buff. I train with the Tampa Fire Rescue Team; I have to be- I have a six pack....

10/9/2005 8:08:25 PM

1 Photos

it would look really cute if u cut your hair really short the way that it looks in the picture, u have excellent bone structure

10/9/2005 8:10:15 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Thanks.I always wear my hair up like that. I love it.Everyone else tells me not to cut it. I'm glad that you agree with me.

10/9/2005 8:12:47 PM

226 Photos

Jo where've you been hiding?

10/9/2005 8:44:06 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

I haven't been on here in a while.I'm back though. I've been training a lot with Tampa Fire Rescue. I finished off my First Responder Ceritification with CPR/Heim./AED I also did ride-alongs in fire engines and ambulances, so I've been keeping busy. I'm taking lots of dance classes this semester though, so I'm finally back at my comp. talking to everyone.Nice to be back!

10/9/2005 10:00:01 PM

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