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g funk09
1 Photos

no, they aren't. But I know the two on the right.

9/21/2005 7:07:26 PM

253 Photos

OMG it's Shawn!!! He's the one on the far left. I miss him.

[Edited by Roxygirl27 on 9/21/2005 8:02:01 PM. Reason for edit: Shit, I don't know the difference between my left and right, ahhahaha ]

9/21/2005 7:45:11 PM

1 Photos

I know that kid in the white Bulls hat in the background...

9/21/2005 7:54:16 PM

1 Photos

i be liking the one on ye left with the rolled up sleeves. argh.

oops... pirate day is over isn't it?

9/21/2005 9:42:51 PM

56 Photos

^i second that

the guy on the right is in my math class

9/22/2005 12:00:33 AM

1 Photos

[Edited by SexyScientist48 on 9/21/2005 9:16:35 PM. Reason for edit: god wtf, i cant tell the difference between left & right tonite! DAMNIT!!]

9/22/2005 2:15:51 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

hey sexyscientist, just to let u know. the guy on the left is gay. sorry to inform you.

9/22/2005 5:00:25 AM

1 Photos

the good ones always are. (sigh)

9/22/2005 2:51:46 PM

2 Photos

do they need a beating or something? what's the point?

9/22/2005 8:55:18 PM

253 Photos

^^ Shawn? Yeah, he's very openly gay. But I luff him anyways

9/22/2005 8:57:34 PM

295 Photos

The facial expression clearly wasn't a give away.

9/22/2005 9:49:35 PM

1 Photos

hey, a girl can hope!!

9/23/2005 12:15:26 AM

6 Photos

Thanks ladies, I appreciate bing called sexy, however, yes, I am gay.

By the way, no, the facial expression has nothing to do with my sexual orientation.

Oh, and thanks for posting this pic, I was seriously lookin for it.

9/26/2005 8:14:04 AM

89 Photos

that kid in the background is an afrotc cadet.

9/26/2005 6:12:25 PM

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