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My finished tat 
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on my left leg
149 Photos

dog tags, with my brothers name and the american flag. hmmph, i thought it was self-explainatory. no offense justin

9/20/2005 7:08:47 PM

the dude
9 Photos

Alot of Marines do that in case they forget their name.

9/20/2005 7:12:20 PM

234 Photos


i'm gonna get that on my butt for ender!!

its gonna say "SGT. LOL - USMC"

9/20/2005 7:12:46 PM

1 Photos

bahahaha, for melissa's comment.

[Edited by sundoll-arwhore on 9/20/2005 2:22:27 PM. Reason for edit: like the tat]

9/20/2005 7:21:17 PM

149 Photos

justin, a lot of ppl have said that to me. i always said i would only get it if something happened to him, but i decided that bc im so proud of him and i always wanted to have him with me that i might as well get it now. a time when i can look at it and not think, damn my brother's dead. i dont know. i cant explain it very well. my brother is one of the most important ppl in my life. that's about all i can say i suppose

9/20/2005 7:30:23 PM

1 Photos

i think it's a great tattoo, 'cause it's not something you got to be trendy or cute or rebellious. it's meaningful and a great tribute to what your brother did for our country.

is he cute?


9/20/2005 7:33:29 PM

149 Photos

haha! all my friends think my brother is sexay, but he's married with 2 kids lol. i think there's a pic of him in my gallery from my graduation. he's in his uniform

9/20/2005 7:37:39 PM

26 Photos

Props to your brother for juggling deployment and a marriage and children. I have seen a lot of Marines not fair so well.

also, the official story behind the "meat tags"... (Sorry to be graphic)

Typically a Marine will get his dog tags tattoo on his person (normally on his ribcage) so that in the case that both his head (dog tag worn on a chain around the neck) and foot (a dog tag is also put under the laces of his boot) are removed during his death. While this does seem morbid, the mind set is that his body must be identified in someway.

I believe that anyway you can honor and remember your brother, especially while he is still alive. Most people get tattoos of chinese letters and animals and what not that have no meaning. You on the other hand have made yours meaningful.
just my .02

9/20/2005 9:46:40 PM

226 Photos

Here's my question sam...what if he gets promoted?

11/21/2005 3:07:08 PM

149 Photos

bwahahaha! i already thought of that. if he gets promoted i just have to get another "s" in front of sgt. bc he will be a staff sergeant.

11/21/2005 6:48:38 PM

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