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Gallery » angelgurl121
spanish makeral 
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caught from boca grande and captiva pass
15 Photos

Good job on the macks. Are you going to smoke them? Those sure would make some great bait!!!

9/8/2005 7:17:33 PM

15 Photos

Spanish macks are good if you smoke them and make a fish spread out of them.

9/8/2005 7:22:58 PM

223 Photos

hey i think they are good to eat...

9/8/2005 7:40:47 PM

226 Photos

why they gotta be spanish,huh? f'ing racist!

9/8/2005 7:52:16 PM

28 Photos

^Because there are a thousand of them crammed in that little space.
Only spanish things can do that.

9/8/2005 8:07:49 PM

226 Photos

ok, fine you have a point :downtrodden:

9/8/2005 8:40:02 PM

124 Photos

When it rains it pours with the spanish! Oh and FYI they are actually very good eating!

9/8/2005 9:01:15 PM

223 Photos

yea i know, they are great eating...if u dont think so come try my cooking...,but yea that was just one day...i brought home A LOT of fillets

9/12/2005 4:02:11 PM

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