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Gallery » angelgurl121
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10 Photos

So beautiful!!!!

8/20/2005 11:52:58 PM

223 Photos

aww thank you

8/20/2005 11:56:25 PM

223 Photos

ok...thanks to the person who showed me how to delete the ugly pics...i greatly appreciate it....and i want to appologize to everyone who was offended, grossed out, or whatever else....i will keep the drunk girls away from my computer and an internet connection...again i am rock on!

8/23/2005 3:30:08 AM

1 Photos

^why did you give in? send the pics to me, I will post them in my gallery

8/23/2005 5:02:41 AM

11 Photos


^^ nice pic

8/23/2005 5:09:56 AM

30 Photos


oh plus karate

8/23/2005 6:59:08 AM

9 Photos

that shirt is pretty cool

8/23/2005 12:54:31 PM

223 Photos

aww thanks...

i will send them to u if u want them...IM me tomorrow or so, cause i will be online and i'll send them to u....i was tired of people bitchin at me, when it wasnt me and i have seen worse on here...but oh well

but thanks for the compliments

8/23/2005 9:28:24 PM

1 Photos

^thats the thing. There are FAR more offensive pictures on here, but for some reason people were complaining about the ones you posted. you should post them back up. FIGHT THE POWER!

8/23/2005 9:36:59 PM

223 Photos

lol....i will wait a couple of days...only bc my internet connection sucks right now....or i will send them to u and let u fight

8/23/2005 9:42:28 PM

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