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My favorite place in the world. Been there once and going back for spring break. Also my desktop.
1 Photos

I thought that Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean somewhere... ah well, live and learn, I guess

2/25/2004 3:41:04 AM

0 Photos

That place looks so beautiful, how much is it to stay there? I been thinking about going on a big trip this summer.

2/25/2004 4:56:50 AM

0 Photos

It's definitely not cheap, but it's a beautiful hotel...the pool is amazing, and there are enormous tanks's like walking through the ocean

2/25/2004 5:00:39 AM

33 Photos

It's pretty expensive... but it also depends where you stay in the resort. It's worth every penny though. It's got a casino, all kinds of pools, an underground aquarium, a dance club inside the casino, you name it. And from there you can go on sunset catamaran rides, swim with dolphins, etc. Best vacation I've ever been on... but I don't know how much because my girlfriend's dad paid for it.

2/25/2004 5:01:39 AM

33 Photos

I'm leaving for the Atlantis tomorrow morning! I'll bring you guys back a dolphin!

3/5/2004 2:58:05 PM

1 Photos

C'mon, where are the new pics from Atlantis?? and the dolphin?? You made some promises, and you need to produce, you know.

3/10/2004 6:34:33 PM

33 Photos

I tried to bring the dolphin... but I got caught by customs. As for the pictures I don't think I took a single one the whole trip. It was awesome though. Sunset sailboat ride, gourmet Italian cuisine, floating down the lazy river, etc. I even ate at a place called the poop deck.

3/10/2004 6:37:10 PM

1 Photos

Well duh, that's why you have to smuggle it out, man. ;)

3/23/2004 4:20:38 AM

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