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Gallery » Solanita
Me & the shell girl 
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37 Photos

omgosh you two are so pretty!!

I LOVE your outfit!

5/28/2005 4:51:42 AM

73 Photos

^I was just gonna say that, I <3 green and that kid is soooo cute She reminds me of my lil cousin, Stefanie

5/28/2005 4:55:44 AM

99 Photos precious

5/28/2005 2:37:31 PM

1 Photos

hey ive been trying to get a hold of you. I added u to MSN or w/e but i havent ever seen u on. Do you ever get on AIM or w/e?

5/30/2005 11:02:33 PM

99 Photos

^Yeh man, I'm on AIM...Why do u want to geta hold of me?

[Edited by Nacho on 5/30/2005 6:48:13 PM. Reason for edit: yes, i know]

5/30/2005 11:47:53 PM

10 Photos

Did you go to bloomingdale HS?

5/31/2005 12:16:44 AM

110 Photos

yup went to Bdale, class of 00. And yes, I'm on MSN messenger- all the time.

5/31/2005 3:11:04 AM

96 Photos

cute pic Solana

5/31/2005 3:42:23 AM

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