0 Photos
Awww....he's so cute!!
4/26/2005 5:36:16 AM
149 Photos
4/26/2005 8:47:13 AM
1 Photos
aww puppychow
4/26/2005 4:18:38 PM
1 Photos
4/26/2005 4:37:11 PM
50 Photos
thanks!! i love my lil boy!
mattyboy's pic--not funny
4/26/2005 4:43:05 PM
1 Photos
Yes it is.
4/26/2005 4:57:09 PM
10 Photos
Mattyboy that is a funny picture.. when I first say the picture I thought it was a rat!
4/28/2005 12:36:13 AM
62 Photos
Pink she is adorable, where did you get her? Make sure you watch her like a hawk for the first month or so, chi's (and small dogs) are prone to hypoglycemia if they dont eat which results in their blood sugar dropping really low. I was told to supplement with Nutrical. I did so much research on the breed before i got mine.
How big is your little girl?
Here's my baby right after I got her. She is three pounds now!
[Edited by tampacheercoach on 4/27/2005 9:08:55 PM. Reason for edit: der]
4/28/2005 2:07:42 AM
50 Photos
tampacheer-- yours is really cute too!! Lucky is a boy! he weighs 3 1/2 lbs., the vet told me about him getting hypoglycemia, and to make sure he eats. I bought him from a breeder, my friend had bought 1, and she had 1 more left so I got him. I love how yours has blue eyes
4/28/2005 3:00:08 AM