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Death to microwave 
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snuggling with my recently discomboobulated microwave
241 Photos

Ok, there's got to be a story behind this one...lets hear it.

2/9/2005 4:08:50 PM

45 Photos

hahaha, oh yes there is always a story. Sam was staying at our apt. one weekend when we wren't there and i guess he had a lady friend over, well she decided to make popcorn in the microwave, i dont know what she did but she must have set to cook for like an hour or put it on some super high setting...dont know, but the popcorn was set ablaze and if youve never smelled really burnt popcorn, its a horrible stench...needless to say now evey time we use the microwave it shoots out popcorn-ass-smelling-air so we decided that the microwave's time was up...loaded up the potato gun and blew it away.

2/9/2005 5:58:30 PM

1 Photos

ok...first of all....discombobulated (or discomboobulated lol) is an awesome word.

But that is pretty funny

It reminds me of one time when I lived up North, and our toaster oven caught on fire and my mom chucked it out the back door into the snow <3

2/9/2005 6:34:54 PM

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omg i know what u mean.. my microwave has that same "burnt popcorn" smell. its nasty!

2/9/2005 6:40:28 PM

75 Photos

Burnt food calls.........damn, they smell terrible

i went on a call that ended up to be burnt food, and it was a baby bottle that melted down in a pot where all the water boiled up and the whole place smelled of burnt baby formula and melted plastic..........i smelled that shit for a long time

2/9/2005 7:35:45 PM

45 Photos

discomboobulated is indeed an awesome word...but about the smell, we tried EVERYTHING to get it out...first we cleaned it with 409...then windex..then we re cleaned it..then we rubbed it and scrubbed it with clorox bleach, then we coated it in bleach and let the bleach soak in for like a day and the smell was STILL there...soo yeah it was done for...and if anyone else has an appliance that smells like....burning ass...feel free to come over and we shall begin the discomboobulation process!

2/10/2005 12:12:04 AM

1 Photos

bwahahah awesome story. i burnt popcorn one time and yeah... grossssss

3/25/2005 7:50:28 AM

93 Photos

she told me that she knew how to make popcorn...^^^^^^
that was the only thing she did wrong that night! ;)....good times...

7/9/2005 6:38:42 AM

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the best i've done is junior yr of high school, my hr teacher had a sub, and we decided to put her wooden bathroom passes in the microwave (we were so smart back then) they caught on fire and the room smelled like a campground for days

7/9/2005 6:41:41 AM

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are you the dudes in excellence that always shoot the potatoe gun... and hit that heron that one time and stuff

7/9/2005 6:49:03 AM

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7/9/2005 6:51:07 AM

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man it was funny as fuck when we hit that heron in the neck...actually at first we thought we had killed it...and then it stood up and we stopped shooting for that day.....

7/9/2005 6:54:49 AM

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I'm the fuckin drunk old lookin dude that is drunk and always pops up out of nowhere to say hey

cuz beer rocks

7/9/2005 6:57:48 AM

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i think you actually helped us shoot a load once ....(ignore the sexual joke)......
but i think i remember you...we had an accident and had a 2 foot flame shoot one of us....scared the shit out of us....

7/9/2005 7:02:45 AM

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do you think i would remember that

I was drunk. it doesn't matter if it was noon I was prolly drunk

7/9/2005 7:06:58 AM

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you ever heard of the A.A?

7/9/2005 7:09:47 AM

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Aretys Angels i went there the other day

fine ass strippers

7/9/2005 7:13:45 AM

93 Photos're good....drinking must keep you sharpp...

7/9/2005 7:18:13 AM

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sharp as a fuckin nub from my war wound which ill get in a few years

it's gonna rock bein one of those nub dudes at the bar... dayam that will be cool

7/9/2005 7:23:25 AM

93 Photos

you must be past drunk right now!

7/9/2005 7:50:12 AM

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he's the DD for the evening.... the designated drunk

7/9/2005 7:53:39 AM

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You bitches know what I likes technology. it rizocks I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky. Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh.

then we'd rock out

7/9/2005 8:00:36 AM

1 Photos

u honestly think that cavemen would understand the rotation that occurs in our solar system? Galileo was arrested for such thoughts thousands of yrs later, but those cavemen, they would surely understand and have a good laugh about it

7/9/2005 8:02:39 AM

93 Photos

they would castrate you.....and then laugh at the faces that they drew on the testes!!

7/9/2005 8:05:24 AM

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and then make paintings of all this on their cave walls, in sequence of course

7/9/2005 8:06:42 AM

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cant forget the sequence....the testes would be the instrument used to draw as well....
there ....that explains a lot doesnt it?

7/9/2005 8:08:51 AM

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Cavemen rock!!! When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school we'd all go play in his cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us. It wasn't until later that I found out that Uncle Caveman was a bear.

I always thought he was hairy

7/9/2005 8:10:45 AM

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but so am i and were related

or we were. he lives in the zoo now

7/9/2005 8:11:19 AM

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lol , you need to do standup

7/9/2005 8:23:12 AM

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We tend to laugh at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't laugh at them personally, to their faces, and this is what really annoys me.

Those dirty bass terds.

7/9/2005 8:23:30 AM

1 Photos

so now u're holding the fact that they're dead against them? hmmmm, dirrty rotten cavemen bastards, didn't even have the common decency to drink from the fountain of youth and live forever so we could make fun of them to their faces as a timeless tradition

7/9/2005 8:31:39 AM

30 Photos

I bet when the neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying, "Don't forget the thick, heavy brows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky brows too, and they'd get mad and eat the snowman.

7/9/2005 8:35:57 AM

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^i agree...its not as much fun poking fun at someone that isnt there...

7/9/2005 8:36:13 AM

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^^ just as long as they were beware of the yellow snowmen

7/9/2005 8:37:14 AM

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this hotel needs to get better TV programming than the fucking cosby show....i'm gonna go find a movie to watch!

7/9/2005 8:40:05 AM

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in the spirit of the threads, watch the 5th element lol

7/9/2005 8:41:31 AM

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TRUE it's like back when my grampa lived that we made that story from scratch. We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town.


7/9/2005 8:43:38 AM

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but the real part of the story was where grandpa had to walk through the snow barefoot to go fishin, uphill both ways, and then have to carve a hole in the layer of ice, while tryin not to fall in... funny thing was, grandpa lived in florida too.... always wondered bout that

7/9/2005 8:45:45 AM

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hey..KIDS is on....lets watch little children talk about sex....

7/9/2005 8:49:16 AM

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I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex.

7/9/2005 8:52:13 AM

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i agree....we should take off their genitals and give it back to them when they're 21

7/9/2005 8:54:50 AM

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I'd like to see a nude opera, because when they hit those high notes, I bet you can really see it in those genitals.

7/9/2005 8:57:11 AM

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YES....EXACTLY....but then they would be crotch to kick...

7/9/2005 8:58:58 AM

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hmmm maybe u ar right but ur not i am

yu lose i don't

ninja flip and a kick to the jaw

7/9/2005 9:08:37 AM

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but u can still be my friend

7/9/2005 9:08:53 AM

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^,^^,& ^^^ friggin hippies

7/9/2005 10:34:03 AM

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wait did you call me a hippie twice

fuck dat shits.... ooooh beer


7/9/2005 10:36:36 AM

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^ beer? drugs? alcohol? narcotics? r those the same things? who cares, i am so totally there lol

7/9/2005 10:44:12 AM

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah food stuffs

7/9/2005 10:46:15 AM

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