100 Photos
1/5/2005 6:14:00 PM
76 Photos
yeah sure.......you guys are awful
1/5/2005 6:17:44 PM
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we gotta survive!
1/5/2005 6:18:12 PM
44 Photos
I can't believe you guys sold the dog!!! Look how cute he is...Ugh...you disgrace me :P
1/5/2005 6:19:57 PM
1 Photos
did you REALLY sell the dog for beer?
cause that's just funny
1/5/2005 6:24:34 PM
90 Photos
damn right
1/5/2005 6:35:39 PM
1 Photos
OMG, that dog is absoloutley beautiful! WHY would you sell her, for beer at that?! I really hope she got a good home, or you should be ashamed of yourself. Hell, you should be anyway, was one night of drinking worth the companionship you would've had from your dog forever? LAME!!
1/5/2005 6:45:07 PM
1 Photos
Actually, the dog is probably safer somewhere else.
1/5/2005 7:05:39 PM
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^weird, i was just thinking that before i checked the picture again. poor puppy, stupid frat boys
1/5/2005 7:07:14 PM
295 Photos
Now all they need to do is get rid of you.
1/5/2005 8:02:48 PM
119 Photos
Ummm, that dog eats more then me in a day by 12months of age...I'd love to have one too, but I can;t ball that right now
1/5/2005 8:04:35 PM
No Idea
27 Photos
i believe he got sold back to the people who sold him to begin with
1/5/2005 8:33:11 PM
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Was he sick?
1/5/2005 8:52:53 PM
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i know what you mean about the food, glintch. my puppy goes through about 10lbs. of food a week, and his vet bills are $150 every 8 wks. but if you can't afford it and be responsible enough to have a pet in the first place, you shouldn't jeapordize the animal by trying, it should go to a good home in the first place. espically a pitbull, because they often get sold/traded carelessly and wind up as fighters or deemed agressive, and eventually put down. it's just sad to see such a beautiful puppy getting passed around like an object instead of having a good, consistent home.
btw, i'm a pre-vet student, and i am very passionate about animals [if you couldn't already tell], so i'm just offering my opinion, along with what i know. if you don't like it, i don't care. so don't give me shit for it, kthx.
[Edited by HpNoTiQHoNeY on 1/5/2005 4:29:21 PM. Reason for edit: OMGWTFBBQ?!]
1/5/2005 9:23:33 PM
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I wasn't talking about you Megan
1/5/2005 9:28:25 PM
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OK then, Ehrik! Go on with the chlorophyll!
1/5/2005 9:32:38 PM
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we sold him to a family with a big yard and another puppy for him to play with because we knew he would be better off there....stuipd frat boys huh?
1/6/2005 12:49:00 AM
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oohh, how dare i generalize! fine, how about just 'stupid boys'? 'cause obviously, you didn't purchase your way to having a penis, just the right to think with it, eh?
1/6/2005 1:13:39 AM
76 Photos
^i laughed out loud forever and a day!
1/6/2005 1:15:45 AM
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heh, i'm glad you thought it was funny ang. ![](/Emoticons/¥).gif)
[Edited by HpNoTiQHoNeY on 1/5/2005 8:40:32 PM. Reason for edit: x]
1/6/2005 1:40:14 AM
0 Photos
I dont get it... whats wrong with selling a dog if you find that you can't/won't take care of it? Because its irresponsible? I don't think so. I think he did the right thing. The irresponsible thing would have been to let it go stray or give/sell it to some shady character.
1/6/2005 1:40:36 AM
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awe, look at his wittle self.
1/6/2005 1:46:28 AM
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no no brandon, i wasn't saying it was wrong of him to give it to a good home, that's where the puppy belongs in the first place; like i said, if you're going to be a petowner, espically a puppy which is like raising an infant, you should be responsible enough to take care of all it's needs. obviously, ronjonathan's needs were beer, so he thought his puppy was a fair trade!
1/6/2005 1:49:05 AM
0 Photos
^yeah, i agree with that. But I think the beer for puppy trade was just a joke though. At least I hope so... I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
1/6/2005 2:07:53 AM
62 Photos
I understand what she is saying. It wasnt irresponsible to sell it to a better home, it was irresponsible to buy it to begin with. If you were responsible you would do your research on getting a dog and how much things cost before you ever bought a dog. Its irresponsible to buy an animal and then say "oops I cant really afford this dog and I dont have time for it, so maybe I should sell it again." I want a dog badly, but right now I cant afford to buy the best food available and pay for vet bills, and pay for obedience classes that every dog should have. So I am waiting to buy a dog until I have the money for everything that a dog needs and deserves. IMO that is responsible.
1/6/2005 2:10:45 AM
90 Photos
hey i didnt buy him i just took care of him but hes far away in a good home now so its all good and no we didnt buy beer with the money
1/6/2005 3:45:41 AM
0 Photos
Awww... everyone, scroll up and look at the puppy again. (you'll forget what you wanted to post and move on with your life.)
1/6/2005 4:15:06 AM
Cute N Confuzd
95 Photos
that made me smile and since i've been having a HORRIBLE day...awwwww is in order
1/6/2005 4:38:46 AM
110 Photos
That's the cutest picture!
3/27/2005 3:15:44 AM
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and your beautiful!
3/27/2005 5:25:17 AM
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i miss my doggie
8/18/2005 5:02:11 AM
35 Photos
that seriously is the cutest picture on this site.
8/18/2005 5:34:25 AM
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they prolly didn
't sell him 4 beer they prolly sold mhi 4 goot bbeer
or yager
8/18/2005 9:41:19 AM
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thats my bed
8/18/2005 4:58:42 PM
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8/19/2005 2:34:17 AM
1 Photos
AWWWW... this pic makes me go AWWWW! lol. both u and the doggie... very cute. wanna hug u both. haha.
p.s. - (smack against the head) idiot. why'd u get rid of the dog?
8/19/2005 2:41:50 AM
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a frat house wasent the best environment for a puppy, so we made the right choice and gave him to a friend that has a big house with a back yard so jager can run around and have fun now.
8/19/2005 3:12:22 AM
100 Photos
thats my hat too.. no idea where its at now
u got a cool picture with a puppy that day.. all i got was a dog peeing on my bed
8/19/2005 3:17:52 AM
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i want the dog back
8/19/2005 5:41:04 AM
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awww...can i get under those covers too??
10/16/2005 5:25:02 AM
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heck yes you can
10/16/2005 5:32:51 AM
56 Photos
thats such a cute pic.... adorable!
10/16/2005 7:20:58 AM
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Awwwww....what kind of dog is that?
10/16/2005 5:37:35 PM
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i have another puppy, thats a red nosed pitt bull
10/16/2005 9:56:03 PM
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what kind of puppy do u have now?
10/17/2005 7:10:38 AM
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it looks like benji i forget what kind my sister bought it for me.
10/19/2005 11:33:51 AM