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Jesus is Hitler 
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Jesus is an evil, anti-Semitic coward.
40 Photos

This is despicable, detestable, hateful, offensive, and loathsome. Keep your damn religious views to yourself...

12/16/2004 6:42:12 PM

digital thug
1 Photos

i don't even know why i should bother replying, this kid is obviously in need of some attention... seriously, i hope you donn't commit suicide over the xmas break.. then again maybe you should

12/16/2004 6:53:19 PM

1 Photos

So the guy has different opinions than you. Deal with it. At least he didn't say "Hitler is Jesus."

12/16/2004 6:54:31 PM

55 Photos

How could Jesus be anti-Semetic?...he was a Jew...HELLO! oh and p.s. I'm Jewish and I would never compare Jesus to Hitler.

12/16/2004 6:54:38 PM

mimi dg
58 Photos

i was wondering where ppl got the balls to put half naked piks on this thing.. but this ... this just tops it off..

... i would punch you in the face if i ever saw you

12/16/2004 6:55:56 PM

234 Photos

God you're an idiot. If you're trying to stir people up with controversy, there are better ways to do it than that. Anyone can compare someone to a Nazi.

Maybe I should post the Harlequin baby?

12/16/2004 6:56:47 PM

mimi dg
58 Photos

and to the idiot with the stupid post.. theres a difference between having different views and telling people about them... and offending people


12/16/2004 6:57:49 PM

234 Photos

By the way, you people getting so incensed about this blatantly ridiculous display are no better off than he is. You're giving him what he wants.

12/16/2004 6:58:08 PM

12 Photos

Fuck you and them Nazi assholes

12/16/2004 7:02:19 PM

82 Photos

12/16/2004 7:07:07 PM

1 Photos

This guy wins. While I don't agree with the picture, I think it's hysterical that everyone is getting so riled up over it.

12/16/2004 7:15:53 PM

226 Photos

quote :

How could Jesus be anti-Semetic?...he was a Jew...

So was Hitler, whats your point?

12/16/2004 7:20:38 PM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

It's a swastika.... During Hanukkah, no less. I agree it's silly to get riled over the Jesus stuff seems how it's not really serious, but I think it's definitely not cool to post swastikas in any scenario. Like blurting the n-word and then after everyone gets angry going "look at you guys getting all mad n stuff!" Some things you just don't touch.

12/16/2004 7:24:22 PM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

Wow, I just looked in his gallery and one of the 3 pictures he has posted has the n-word in the title. This guy's definitely out for shock value. Everyone has the right to be offended if you ..feel like it.

12/16/2004 7:27:52 PM

1 Photos

he does call himself "TheVirus"

12/16/2004 7:47:43 PM

275 Photos

as a jew i take great offense to this, if i see you i will whoop your ass you damn anti-semetic bastard. oh and hitler wasn't jewish, anti-semetic yes, jews no

12/16/2004 7:47:45 PM

1 Photos


Endless cycle of violence, here we come!

You stupid, oppressive, disposed-to-violence-as-a-be-all-end-all, anti-causational, egotistical morons.

[Edited by Sandman on 12/16/2004 2:51:26 PM. Reason for edit: Better.]

12/16/2004 7:49:54 PM

0 Photos

Damn you, The Virus. If I saw you in the street, I would let you punch me in the face and I'd turn the other cheek.

12/16/2004 7:53:56 PM

1 Photos

But God damn it, if you express your ideas and feelings through symbols and pictures that I can browse through in my own spare time, and I just happen to dislike them thoroughly because I feel that they are directed towards me, or if my mind warps a simple image into some meaning of hatred simply because of the stigma generated by such images, well! Then it's time to throw down the fisticuffs and show you precisely who I am on the mean streets of USFBS!!

12/16/2004 8:00:37 PM

96 Photos

The majority of people are ignorant. This particular "swastika" is not what you guys believe it to be. It's a native American Rune. Gued Dem Ingens' wud wight abte' all. Also, there are historians and crucifixer's alike who believe that Adolf Hitler was the coming of the new messiah, because of his extreme punishment of the jews. Take it however you like, The Virus is most certainly right.

12/16/2004 8:05:24 PM

0 Photos

quote :

Then it's time to throw down the fisticuffs and show you precisely who I am on the mean streets of USFBS!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... wait... what?

12/16/2004 8:09:15 PM

1 Photos

I'm glad I slept in so everyone else could spit out their hatred and I can just read the e-drama and say wow. The guy has the right to be utterly stupid and incorrect, it just makes the rest of us giggle when we see on the news that a racist S.O.B. was found floating in the Hillsborough with the words "UNFIT TO LIVE" written in permanent marker on his chest.

12/16/2004 8:10:17 PM

1 Photos

The swastika actually goes back thousands of year to the time of the Etruscans. At least that's as far back as I know of. Could be older.

12/16/2004 8:14:38 PM

234 Photos

my point is this guy isn't even trying to be creative in his controversy.

12/16/2004 8:29:10 PM

0 Photos

You're really sick for this posting. What was you're reasoning for displaying such a discriminating sign?

12/16/2004 8:34:32 PM

1 Photos

What about this one?

12/16/2004 8:36:03 PM

234 Photos

and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why i am an islamic fundamentalist.

12/16/2004 8:39:01 PM

234 Photos

ok...but TheVirus isn't trying to say that at all with posting this picture.

12/16/2004 9:16:43 PM

0 Photos

Actually.. what he did write was "Jesus is an evil, anti-Semitic coward."

oh, and lets not forget the title... "Jesus is Hitler"

[Edited by brandon1934 on 12/16/2004 4:22:22 PM. Reason for edit: iwishiwereworthenoughtobeinthegentlemansclubatusf]

12/16/2004 9:21:04 PM

the dude
9 Photos

Jimi Hendrix
was a nigger!
Jesus Christ and Grandma, too!

Jackson Pollock
was a nigger!

Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger,
nigger, nigger, NIGGAH!

12/16/2004 10:58:17 PM

226 Photos

Just because Hitler believed in Christianity doesnt mean that he wasnt Jewish by Ethnicity.

quote :

he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.'s+now+known+the+Bucharest+Hitler+could...&tit=The+Straight+Dope%3a+Was+Hitler+part+Jewish%3f&bin=&cat=wp&

12/16/2004 11:09:04 PM

1 Photos

^^ Here:

12/16/2004 11:34:33 PM

7 Photos

12/17/2004 12:09:26 AM

0 Photos

^its all so clear to me know.. thank you.
<-- enlightened

12/17/2004 12:40:39 AM

3 Photos

Bunch of fucking crybabies we have on here.

So you're going to kick my ass over a picture? Wow.. You're the fucking idiot.

People with small minds never understand the big picture.

o/o/o/o/ - The rally has begun.

12/17/2004 1:14:14 AM

82 Photos

tinyurl??? wtf. back in my day big URLS are what made the interweb great!

12/17/2004 1:40:35 AM

62 Photos

good call ben. i was wondering when someone was going to post that.

if you read the site that the image is's a joke. and a damn funny one at that.

12/17/2004 1:44:25 AM

7 Photos

-Jesus and Hitler have never been spotted in the same place.

12/17/2004 2:05:16 AM

26 Photos

while you might question this man's character for presenting information in this way, how do you know he isn't right? did you meet Jesus? shake his hand? doubtful. you people who get so upset over this shit just read about him in books. It's a shame people have to remind you that humans are deceivable, stupid, ignorant beings.

here, i'll even spell out the philosophical proof for you, based upon common religious themes in Christiniaty and Judaism. Ready?

proof part 1: The Devil is allowed to deceive and tempt mankind for reasons we do not know about.

proof part 2: Mankind is decievable, and gives into temptation.

End of proof.

try and fucking think for once about the things you read about, pretty please?

12/17/2004 2:44:50 AM

707 Photos

lol @ offended people feeding into the bait...

[Edited by TrackStar on 12/16/2004 11:02:25 PM. Reason for edit: d]

12/17/2004 4:01:39 AM

26 Photos

oh and another thing, Andrew is right. it's not his job, nor brad's, nor mine to explain these philosophical issues to you. Pick up some Descartes. It isn't hard and there are more theological issues out there other than going to a building and reading a piece of papyrus that tells you exactly and precisely where Good ends and Evil begins, and vice versa.

the ancient Greeks identified one of the most important virtues ever discovered - know the nature of things before you decide anything. If you combine this with the religious belief in the Devil and specificly reported aspects of his nature, then you should examine the human situation more than many of you have done. Brad or Andrew may not care, and i can see why, but if you honestly, TRULY care about finding God and avoid being led astray by the Devil, then you need to be very, VERY careful about what you do. Many religious philosophers have spoken very negatively of the various churches and their evil doings, and for very good reason - they care about properly seeking God.

I don't know who or what Jesus was. I wish I did, but I don't, because i believe that I am just a human, and 2000 years is a long, long time. Maybe some of you in this thread are more than that, I'm more than willing to entertain that idea, but I am just a man, and I am capable of being led astray. Know thyself.

12/17/2004 4:41:06 AM

136 Photos

^ See, I'm not the only one who hates Jesus. They also probably think Hitler was a fag, too.

[Edited by thetrippysmurf on 12/17/2004 2:17:41 AM. Reason for edit: .]

12/17/2004 7:16:49 AM

234 Photos

god dammit the point is he's not presenting it as art.

what he's doing is like taking the statue of david and saying something about pedophilia.

12/17/2004 8:01:48 AM

22 Photos

i like pie

12/17/2004 9:26:20 AM

81 Photos

Look at everyone writhing in their trap. Teehee.

12/17/2004 9:29:26 AM

the dude
9 Photos

psh, I just wanted to quote Patti Smith.

12/17/2004 2:39:29 PM

129 Photos

the funniest comment is the first one

quote :

Keep your damn religious views to yourself...

soooooooooooooooo hypocritical of christians.

12/7/2005 5:15:52 AM

82 Photos

nice bump. I forgot how funny this was.

[Edited by guitarplayr1800 on 12/7/2005 1:16:31 AM. Reason for edit: lol]

12/7/2005 6:14:14 AM

144 Photos

I was thinking of becoming an Evangelical Christian... anyone know where I can get started? I need a pamphlet or something.

12/7/2005 7:06:40 PM

87 Photos

Eh. In other parts of the world the swastika is actually considered to be a symbol of good luck and harmony, although it is typically placed differently (IE at different degrees) and in different contexts.

12/7/2005 7:48:42 PM

87 Photos

"i was wondering where ppl got the balls to put half naked piks on this thing.. but this ... this just tops it off.. "

What the hell do you call your avatar?

12/7/2005 7:49:59 PM

73 Photos

You sir, are an idiot.

12/7/2005 7:56:31 PM

146 Photos


12/7/2005 8:42:10 PM

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