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28 Photos

Drop 'em babe......lets see the whole deal!!!

11/21/2004 12:00:56 AM

2 Photos

invest in a matching set?

11/21/2004 12:08:48 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

she was about to show us something that matched with her chest.

11/21/2004 12:29:34 AM

57 Photos

you don't have to try this hard

11/21/2004 1:13:40 AM

11 Photos

^ agreed, but u do look good

11/21/2004 1:52:50 AM

70 Photos

Whats the big deal?

11/21/2004 2:05:18 AM

394 Photos


11/21/2004 2:10:10 AM

76 Photos

::notes to self::

11/21/2004 3:30:41 AM

1 Photos


11/21/2004 4:28:30 AM

2 Photos

i dont get it

11/21/2004 4:50:49 AM

0 Photos

me neither.

11/21/2004 4:51:35 AM

24 Photos

You're not supposed to get it... just stare at the boobs...

11/21/2004 4:55:26 AM

76 Photos

who knew those would ever be considered boobs?

11/21/2004 5:09:46 AM

24 Photos

More boobs than I have... so hush up Angi... :P

11/21/2004 5:19:05 AM

1 Photos

Welcome to usfbs, slut.

11/21/2004 5:45:49 AM

70 Photos

^^ No you mean you wish she was a slut.... ^^ You receive an F for your game... It sucks, do you get laid often?

11/21/2004 9:06:28 AM

28 Photos

^I doubt he was hitting on her.

11/21/2004 11:59:53 AM

20 Photos

sometimes...girls don't like game. They'd rather have someone be honest and call them a slut. So, according to my logic, grandmaster and this, uh "slut," will soon bang...maybe she will wear that bathingsuit bra thing beforehand. Of course, she will have to lay super still-- rigor mortis style-- and take a cold bath pre-coitus in order for him to get off. That's just what I heard.

11/21/2004 7:07:55 PM

180 Photos

What a horribly misleading picture.

11/21/2004 8:02:12 PM

0 Photos

[Edited by Mik1123 on 11/21/2004 3:16:41 PM. Reason for edit: bc this dumb slut isnt worth it.]

11/21/2004 8:02:44 PM

0 Photos

Mik1123 is just jealous and needs to get laid.

btw... its easy to talk shit when you don't have any pics of your own.

[Edited by brandon1934 on 11/21/2004 3:09:30 PM. Reason for edit: stfu]

11/21/2004 8:08:31 PM

0 Photos

lol. Trust me, Brandon. If you saw my pictures you wouldnt have said that. But you wont because I dont get a thrill out of posting gay ass pictures of myself and having horny losers like yourself come on and post about them.

11/21/2004 8:11:57 PM

0 Photos

Instead, you're the loser that bashes other people's pictures on the internet so you can feel better about yourself. Go find some self esteem, please... you'll be doing us all a favor.

11/21/2004 8:13:30 PM

0 Photos

Actually, the reason I posted on here has nothing to do with myself or my self-esteem. Girls that do stuff like this one did, posting pics like this, are the ones that give girls a bad name. And girls wonder why guys treat them like they are stupid...

11/21/2004 8:33:21 PM

11 Photos

WOW this chick is getting allot of attention

Yall are going to give her a big head soon.

11/21/2004 8:35:03 PM

0 Photos

Mik1123, I think you're being too specific. Please generalize more so you don't seem so ignorant.

[Edited by brandon1934 on 11/21/2004 3:37:30 PM. Reason for edit: .]

11/21/2004 8:36:47 PM

0 Photos

Danny, you've got to be kidding. Kim will never post her picture.

11/21/2004 8:40:21 PM

0 Photos

Like a treasure troll... hair and all.

11/21/2004 8:45:22 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

i for one like "slutty" pics of females on the site. if you got it flaunt it. quit hating too, ffs.

11/21/2004 8:47:24 PM

17 Photos

Thanks for the love everyone, despite the fact I'm stupid, covered in cellulite, and have major self-worth issues. ;)

[Edited by AlainnSolas on 11/21/2004 4:24:17 PM. Reason for edit: forgot to list all my bad qualities as told to me by complete strangers..silly me. ;)]

11/21/2004 9:13:58 PM

0 Photos

If you dont want peoples' opinions, dont post your pictures. And I dont have self- esteem issues, but we clearly have different moral beliefs and opinions in regards to how girls should present themselves.

11/21/2004 9:18:45 PM

17 Photos

Mik, it's quite obvious we have a difference in opinion over how a woman can acceptably present herself and because of such you shouldn't have any desire to blindly attack me, criticize my choices, or assume anything about my sexual promiscuity. If you took a step back you'd realize just how pointless such an unsupported arguement is and how petty and insecure those actions make you look. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of things, but there's always a time where it's uncouth and ignominious to do such, this would be one of those times since I wasn't actively seeking out any criticism nor do you have any base for your assumptions.

11/21/2004 9:34:30 PM

2 Photos

you remind me of my sister .... hope you like divorces

11/21/2004 9:43:40 PM

20 Photos

well, I guess that danny guy up there wasnt lying about your brains. Nicely put. You used words I didn't even know existed. Also, like rebedakadia said, if I had that, I would probably show it off, too. Doesn't make you a slut. You can be a whore and have "respectful" pictures up. I actually know of someone on here who falls under that category. :x

11/21/2004 9:56:28 PM

17 Photos

Thanks for the support, hun, glad to see another girl understands!

11/21/2004 9:58:38 PM

17 Photos

Btw, just looked at your pictures - you're absolutely beautiful.

11/21/2004 10:00:05 PM

20 Photos

no problem, and thank you a lot for the compliment.

11/21/2004 10:15:16 PM

82 Photos

will you go out with me?

11/21/2004 10:28:42 PM

17 Photos

i think i would still hit it.

11/21/2004 11:06:23 PM

17 Photos

you still suck at life. and she is still hott.

11/21/2004 11:28:45 PM

70 Photos

This is getting good, I want to see some fire made from these sparks... FIGHT!!! Oh and FYI, I like this girl... She is whitty as fuck and sarcastic as hell... Good combination to go with the nice looks... She won my vote.

11/21/2004 11:36:59 PM

17 Photos

Oh, did you say fight? Somebody get the KY and a kiddie pool...

11/21/2004 11:54:12 PM

24 Photos

Damn... I like you...

11/22/2004 12:39:50 AM

94 Photos

i just like that she said from TN and havent heard anybody say that down here and I say it all the time!!!

11/22/2004 3:12:48 AM

17 Photos

You actually know what it means?! You may just be my new best friend...

11/22/2004 3:37:23 AM

1 Photos

I'll even open doors for you and not stare at other women.

11/22/2004 5:57:20 AM

17 Photos

Elementary style cirlce note + doors + not staring = One Hot Catch! ;)

11/22/2004 6:45:06 AM

76 Photos

wow...just wow...after reading this thread, i still have the same opinion as i did in the beginning.

awwwe...back in high school we used to call this girl "uncouth ruth."

[Edited by ang70x7 on 11/22/2004 2:21:27 AM. Reason for edit: so, what's the best fishing line for reeling in the big fish?]

11/22/2004 6:57:51 AM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

770 views in 48 hours: the power of sex.

11/22/2004 7:07:53 AM

1 Photos


Hit me up on AIM, yo.

11/22/2004 7:17:49 AM

1 Photos

oh man... I didnt find one grammar problem in her statement. That's a turn on! Anyways, if you wanna talk about bad pictures go to the people who have the pictures of their cocks and those hideous XXX "funny pics" up in their photo gallery. Those are dirty. Her's are quite tasteful and humorous, unlike your face Mik1123.

11/22/2004 8:37:53 AM

2 Photos

I <3 MIK

11/22/2004 1:03:42 PM

70 Photos

^^ Do you swallow too? ^^

11/22/2004 2:42:59 PM

94 Photos

this is crazy how much people react 2 this pic!!! and who is 2 argue!!!

11/22/2004 5:58:58 PM

17 Photos

i just like to look at tits.

11/22/2004 6:47:55 PM

76 Photos

^ding, ding, ding, the majority of guys do, so you all should thank girls like her

11/23/2004 12:41:24 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

thank you AlainnSolas.

11/23/2004 12:51:35 AM

47 Photos

idiots. and that isn't cellulite on her legs, that's muscle tone!

[Edited by yummy247 on 11/22/2004 8:43:04 PM. Reason for edit: and i'm not even drunk yet...]

11/23/2004 1:40:41 AM

the dude
9 Photos

I like this girl because she reminds me of sin and I love Satan.

11/23/2004 2:32:19 AM

108 Photos

I love mik's retarded opinion about 'sluts' and attention and what not....why doesn't everyone take a look to see that Mik's screename in her profile is: Hotone2000 (or something along those lines)

11/23/2004 4:12:01 AM

707 Photos

Whats with all of the hate? This girl has a nice body, nothn to get in a fuss about!

11/23/2004 7:02:15 AM

234 Photos

dear new girl,

i hate you for being hot.



11/23/2004 8:35:23 AM

87 Photos

lol I love the fifth-grade note

11/23/2004 2:58:23 PM

31 Photos

Thats um yea nice

11/23/2004 4:45:04 PM

12 Photos

I think if DannyB posts a couple more times trying to defend her, which is pointless since she's very capable and a lot better at it than you, he might just get some.

11/23/2004 10:04:39 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos


11/24/2004 1:07:52 AM

17 Photos

phong finally said it. i love guys that tried to get laid on the internet. but i know hes gonna say he dosnt wanna get laid and is just friends. but why would you be friends with an ugly bitch you wouldnt wanna fuck?? so basically im just saying ask her to hump your weenie, and then go from there.

11/24/2004 3:39:30 AM

70 Photos

What Lysander was really thinking....

11/24/2004 11:21:19 PM

0 Photos

damn this thing got a lot of fuckin comments

11/25/2004 2:11:58 AM

12 Photos

I'm not "turning" on you. I saw an opportunity for a funny. I took said opportunity. It made Juan laugh. Sorry for... being mean?

11/25/2004 2:34:33 AM

1 Photos

It made me laugh too... Phongor is funny! Dude 5 more posts and it'll be a hundred! That's gotta be a record right?

11/25/2004 2:55:22 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

the stuff Phong said was absolutely hilarious. i really laughed when i read it. 4 more till 100 posts.

11/25/2004 3:04:33 AM

Da O Show
3 Photos

Stephen Frushone?

11/28/2004 1:47:32 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

Christmas, Lloyd Christmas.

11/28/2004 2:05:27 AM

1 Photos

one more

11/28/2004 2:16:57 AM

1 Photos

Let me be the 100th guy to say nice boobies and good grammar on your rebuttle to the schmoes on the site!

11/28/2004 2:17:51 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

congrats Matt.

11/28/2004 2:34:01 AM

1 Photos

I as well am impressed with your good grammar and the fact that you use uncouth. Nice to see someone who has uncanny beauty and can articulate properly. Again, impressed.

11/29/2004 6:39:07 AM

120 Photos

welcome long time since i've talked to ya.... lots of comments on here lol

11/30/2004 9:10:55 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos


12/1/2004 12:51:07 AM

17 Photos

^^LMAO. That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard about myself, thanks.

Commgod - Hey sweetie! =)

12/5/2004 11:27:35 PM

97 Photos

Holy Shit, this is prob the most popular thread on USFBS. Go figure. It got my attention fast. Nice Pic, post some more. If you need someone to take some more pics for you, just let me know.

12/10/2004 7:00:28 AM

17 Photos

Mwhahaha. Behold the power of tits! ;)

12/10/2004 7:38:52 AM

89 Photos

Kind of like cheese...

12/10/2004 8:39:20 AM

11 Photos

this girl is hot and dont find that package every day...I need smarter people in my life lol

12/10/2004 7:48:35 PM

59 Photos

Dam...Cute and smart!!..Hit me up on AIM...BTW don't pay attention to what they say...the girls are jealous, and the guys can't get a girl like you.

12/18/2004 8:04:31 PM

707 Photos

I can...

12/18/2004 8:14:26 PM

120 Photos

who says we can't good looking ladies

12/18/2004 8:37:18 PM

49 Photos

you are hott.. dont listen to all the stupid people

12/21/2004 2:37:25 AM

146 Photos

Agreed. Great body.

1/9/2005 3:03:52 AM

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