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Does anyone remember this show?? 
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17 Photos

Actually, I do remember that show. o.O I also watched it when I was growing up.

8/12/2004 10:26:12 AM

110 Photos

DUDE! finally someone else who knows about this- thx!!

8/12/2004 10:41:56 AM

1 Photos

WOW! Jem and the Holograms! That show was up there with She-Ra Princess of Power.....

8/12/2004 2:30:50 PM

72 Photos

i loved that show!! i think i still have episodes of it on video..and sadly, i think i still know the theme song too

8/12/2004 3:16:38 PM

0 Photos

i remember that show! i think i had the lunchbox, the barbie, and the sleeping bag too haha

8/12/2004 4:01:53 PM

1 Photos

OMGawd i <3ed Jem soooo super much! I had her babrie, who had light up earings... and this stage thingy where u could place her in and then move this lil lever thing and it would make her dance- actually, if i looked hard enough, im sure i could still find it.... Awwwwe,those were the good ol days.

8/12/2004 4:45:18 PM

7 Photos

i had a JEM lunchbox

8/12/2004 6:00:50 PM

11 Photos

Truly Outrageous!

8/12/2004 6:49:31 PM

110 Photos

u guys are awesome that was my fav show growin up- my brother was just telling me how i used to torture him by making him watch it with me... lol
they have a dvd out now of all the episodes- but it's like 40 bucks :P

8/15/2004 4:32:41 AM

76 Photos

me me me!!! I thought i was the only one I had a bunch of dolls, aaand...guess who i was for halloween when i was 4yrs old? hehe

[Edited by ang70x7 on 8/14/2004 11:43:53 PM. Reason for edit: JEM IS EXCITEMENT* lol]

8/15/2004 4:43:02 AM

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