the dude
9 Photos
Climb that shit brah!
7/12/2004 3:46:29 AM
297 Photos
It wasn't that bad until it starting raining
7/13/2004 11:53:36 PM
61 Photos
*Cue Rodgers & Hammerstein's The Sound of Music score*
Climb ev'ry mountain
Ford ev'ry stream
Follow ev'ry rainbow
'Til you find your dream
11/12/2004 4:10:22 AM
234 Photos
holy crap that foliage is beautiful...where is that?
11/12/2004 5:11:10 AM
37 Photos
probably one of the carolinas.
11/12/2004 5:19:09 AM
234 Photos
then its gotta be North.
11/12/2004 6:11:50 AM
85 Photos
I'd say VA.
11/12/2004 6:13:31 AM
1 Photos
wow, that is awesome, i have always wanted to do something like that, but have never had the gawl to do so. totally awesome for you though.
11/12/2004 6:53:48 AM
234 Photos
11/12/2004 7:19:14 AM
61 Photos
You completely overlooked my extremely subtle Jew joke/comparison contained within the The Sound of Music reference.
You didn't see the von Trapp family with helmets, harnesses, and lines that Samet the semite has.
Clarification: And before people get their panties in a twirl, it is a JOKE.
[Edited by FloridaKai on 11/12/2004 10:36:41 AM. Reason for edit: Clarification]
11/12/2004 3:36:00 PM
85 Photos
The von Trapps also didn't really hike over the Alps to freedom ![](/Emoticons/¥p.gif)
[Edited by CaraH on 11/12/2004 10:39:00 AM. Reason for edit: they sure as hells didn't hike over the Apls]
11/12/2004 3:38:20 PM
297 Photos
haha; thanks trillian
11/14/2004 12:47:13 AM
234 Photos
11/14/2004 1:14:25 AM