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Gallery » racerjas983
to the mother fuckers who talk shit about karts... 
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if karts were for pussy's and not worth a damn... why in the fuck would they have them for display at this event???
1 Photos

so people without money can get into racing?

4/2/2007 10:40:18 PM

494 Photos

sure, get a beat up pick up truck buy a 5 year old chassis for about $1000 get some used tires spend a complete days worth of a pay check and go have fun. this way out, of lets say about 10 karts your looking at placing 6th or worse. but if you break something whats your backup?

4/2/2007 11:16:26 PM

1 Photos

lol, as if people even care about car racing. at least on this site...

4/3/2007 6:17:12 AM

374 Photos

Sweet, was this at Malibu? They have some bad ass miniature golf.

4/3/2007 9:02:29 AM

494 Photos

for $5 remember no bumping, right.

4/4/2007 4:43:57 AM

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