101 Photos
3-inch LCD looks nice, but it consumes the battery. Still... Canon makes good cameras. Nice choice for casual use.
12/17/2006 11:52:22 PM
94 Photos
it's actually pretty good on the battery, the battery lasts longer than my s500 or s230. Still wish that they had a battery life monitor, instead of just a low battery indicator.
12/18/2006 12:08:30 AM
101 Photos
I want an eye viewer.
12/18/2006 12:28:52 AM
94 Photos
I had one on both my previous digital cameras and never used it, so I figured why bother. It only cost me $10 more to get the sd630 over the sd600 and I get a better looking unit and 1/2" bigger screen, I only lost an eye viewer that I don't use. *shrug*
12/18/2006 12:43:20 AM
68 Photos
Seriously, why have an eye viewer when you have a giant screen sitting in your face
12/18/2006 8:41:16 PM
57 Photos
3" = giant?
I hope you don't consider yourself "big".
12/19/2006 4:01:41 AM
94 Photos
^hahaha, that's quality right there.
12/19/2006 8:28:34 PM